Костромицкая Анна Владимировна
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Костромицкая А.В., Чаплыгина О.В. Studying a foreign language in a non-linguistic university as the development of professional and personal qualities of students// Proceedings of the XLI International Multidisciplinary Conference «Prospects and Key Tendencies of Science in Contemporary World». Bubok Publishing S.L., Madrid, Spain. 2024.
XLI International Multidisciplinary Conference “Prospects and Key Tendencies of Science in Contemporary World”
Секция 17. Филологические науки
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Выходные данные статьи:
Костромицкая А.В., Чаплыгина О.В. PECULIARITIES OF TRANSLATING RUSSIAN FOLK TALES FROM RUSSIAN INTO ENGLISH// Proceedings of the XLII International Multidisciplinary Conference «Prospects and Key Tendencies of Science in Contemporary World». Bubok Publishing S.L., Madrid, Spain. 2024.
XLII International Multidisciplinary Conference “Prospects and Key Tendencies of Science in Contemporary World”
Секция 17. Филологические науки
Статус статьи:
Статья опубликована