Sarvar Quldashev
Junior researcher at the Center for Ethnology and Anthropology of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Кулдашев Сарвар
мл. науч. сотр. Центра Этнологии и антропологии Института истории Академии наук Узбекистана,
Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Information on the history of the Uzbek statehood is found in many medieval sources. But there are no specific sources on ethnic history. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a comparative analysis of data on ethnic history in medieval sources. The writings of Abu Rayhan Beruni also contain a huge amount of information that can be used to illuminate ethnic history. The information presented in the works of Abu Rayhan Beruni in this study is intended to highlight his role in the study of ethnic history.
Сведения об истории узбекской государственности можно найти во многих средневековых источниках. Но конкретных источников по этнической истории нет. Поэтому необходимо провести сравнительный анализ данных по этнической истории в средневековых источниках. В трудах Абу Райхана Беруни также содержится огромное количество информации, которая может быть использована для освещения этнической истории. Информация, представленная в работах Абу Райхана Беруни в этом исследовании, призвана подчеркнуть его роль в изучении этнической истории.
Keywords: Abu Rayhan Beruni, ethnic history, “India”, “Monuments of ancient peoples”, “Geodesy”.
Ключевые слова: Абу Райхан Беруни, этническая история, “Индия”, “Памятники древних народов”, “Геодезия”.
There are almost no historical sources on the ethnic history of the Uzbek people written in the Middle Ages. However, the study of the ethnic history of the Uzbek people is incomplete and sometimes very confusing.
Medieval sources contain little information about the formation of the Uzbek people as a people. However, information about some of the ethnic groups that took an active part in its formation should be used with extreme caution. Sources also provide information on the political, economic, social, and cultural life of medieval peoples. Although this information is brief, it gives an idea of the ethnic composition and ethnic relations of the population of that period. Abu Rayhan Beruni's works also contain some information about the ethnic history of the Uzbek people.
Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad Beruni was born on September 9, 973 in Kot, the ancient capital of Khorezm. Some sources say that Beruni was born outside the city of Kot, which is why he was nicknamed “Beruni”, meaning “outsider”. From an early age, his interest in science grew. Beruni was later educated by the famous scholar Abu Nasr Mansur ibn Iraq [3, с.67]. In addition to his mother tongue, Beruni studied several other languages: Arabic, Sogdian, Persian, Assyrian, Greek, and ancient Hebrew, and later Sanskrit in India. Beruni was summoned by the new ruler of Khorezm, Abu Abbas Mamun II ibn Ma'mun, to the new capital of the country, Urgench. Beruni operates a scientific center in Urgench, which was established under the direct leadership of Mamun. As the closest adviser to King Mamun II, Beruni also took an active part in the country's political affairs. In 1017, when Mahmud Ghaznavi conquered Khoramz, he took Beruni to Ghazna. Beruni lived in the Treasury from 1017 to 1048, which was the most productive period for his scientific career. Beruni died on December 11, 1048.
The vastness of Beruni's sea of knowledge can also be seen in his works as an encyclopedic scientist. He was at the same time an astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, geologist, geographer, biologist, geographer, botanist, miner, historian, source scholar, theologian, literary critic, philosopher, sociologist, logician, theologian and poet. Among these disciplines, his work is of great importance in the study of ethnic history
According to sources, Beruni created and left a scientific legacy of scientific research, which is concentrated in more than 150 works. However, about 40 of his books in manuscript form have survived. Many of his works have been translated into Uzbek, Russian, Persian, German, English and a number of other languages. On the eve of Beruni's 1000th anniversary, his works were published in several volumes in Uzbek and are still published today.
The scholar's works can be used as a source for studying the ethnic history of the Uzbek people. His Indian work contains valuable information.
Accompanying the king on one of Mahmud Ghaznavi's expeditions to India, Beruni studied the Sanskrit language, became acquainted with Indian culture, literature, and Indian scholars of the time, and wrote an immortal work about the country. He went to India and lived there for several years, learning their art from Indian philosophers and teaching them Greek philosophy.
Beruni then began writing “India” work. The full title of this work is “Kitabu fi tahqiqi mo lil hind min maqulatin maqbulatin fil aqli av marzulatin”. In this play, he expresses his views on the motion of the Earth. It was during this research that Beruni discovered the existence of the continents of North and South America 500 years before Christopher Columbus discovered America, without going on a voyage. According to researchers, the work is a monument to Indian science and culture, and a true encyclopedia of the country's ancient and medieval times. Beruni studied Sanskrit perfectly in order to write India. This will open the way for the scholar to explore more and learn more about India and its history. The book provides a number of important and well-founded information about the nature, history, geography, ethnography, culture, science, religion, customs, flora, fauna and peoples of India.
In the process of describing the geographical areas of India, the play provides information about the Turkic peoples living in the areas directly adjacent to India. The Turkic tribes called Bakhatvarayan living in the upper reaches of the Indus River. They often carried out raids on Kashmir. The area where they live is also marked as the border of India and Turks. Gilgit, Asvira and Shiltas are also mentioned as the Turkic cities in the upper reaches of the Indus.
The rivers flowing through the northern part of the Himalayas flow into the Caspian and Aral Seas. Turks live in these areas. On the border of the Turks and India is the upper reaches of the Indus River and Kashmir.
The play describes the customs of the Indians and compares them with our traditions. Based on this information, we can consider India as an auxiliary source for the study of ethnic history.
Another major work of Beruni is “Monuments of Ancient Peoples”, originally entitled “Alosar al-Baqiya an-Qurun al-Haliya” - written in the city of Jurjan in 1000-1003 and presented to the governor of Jurjan Qaboos ibn Vashmgir [5.34]. The play provides detailed information about the peoples of Central Asia, Jews, Greeks and other peoples, their anniversaries, holidays, celebrations, history of social, cultural and scientific life, customs, worldviews and the Arab conquest of Central Asia. It reflects the scientist's discoveries in various fields of natural sciences, including astronomy, mathematics, physics, cartography, and others. The work became known in Europe in the second half of the 19th century. In 1876-78, the German orientalist E. Zachau published the Arabic text of the work, and in 1879 the English translation of the work under the title “History of the peoples of the East”. It is often referred to in scientific literature as “Chronology”. Published by the Iranian scholar Sayrafi in 1943 in Tehran in Persian. The Russian translation of the work was published in 1957, and the Uzbek translation in 1968 in Tashkent by Beruni's “Selected Works” series by the Abu Rayhon Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
The play deals with the ancient peoples of Central Asia, their customs, rituals, kings, titles and names of rulers.
Through this work, we can learn about the history, culture, customs and traditions of the Khorezmians, Sogdians, as well as their rights in the neighboring areas from ancient times to the time of Beruni. Turkic peoples, Oghuz Turks, and Turkic beliefs living in the region up to the Chinese border are also covered. [6]
The play tells about the Sogdians living in Central Asia, the ancient Khorezmians and the Turkic lunar years. as well as the names of the months and days of the Sogdian, Khorezmian, and Turkic peoples, which provide information about the language spoken by these peoples.
Another work of the scientist “Geodesy” was completed in 1025. This work is about "defining the boundaries of places to determine the distances between cities." At the end of Chapter 4, Beruni discusses the measurement of the circumference of the Earth. From ancient times the people have been interested in the shape and size of the Earth, and different peoples have different ideas about the shape of the Earth.
Beruni's Geodesy contains a brief account of the location of the Oghuz Bijanak, Alan, and As tribes, as well as the large number of Iranian-speaking As and Alan Turks under the influence of the Turkic Pechenegs. In this play, Beruni describes the seven climates in the form of 7 circles, placing the Khazars, Guzs, Kyrgyz, Kimaks, Russians, and Slavs in the northern part of the circle (i.e., the sixth climate). Settled the Khotan and Turkic peoples [7.95]. Beruni's circle of seven climates also gives a clear idea of the location of the Eurasian peoples in the early Middle Ages.
Based on the above, we can say that the information contained in the works of Abu Rayhan Beruni can be used in the study of ethnic history.
- The Kitab al-ansab of Abda’-Karim al-Sam’ani with an introduction by D.S. Margoliouth, Leiden – London. 1912. 98 p.
- “Китаб ал-ансаб” Абу Са‘да ‘Абдалкарима ибн Мухаммада ас-Сам‘ани как источник по истории и истории культуры Средней Азии / Под ред. П.Г.Булгакова. Ташкент: Фан, 1993. c. 87.
- Ҳамидулло Ҳасанов. Ўрта Осиёлик географ ва сайёҳлар. Тошкент. 1964 йил. 67 бет.
- Абу Райҳон Беруний, “Ҳиндистон”. Танланган асарла 2 жилд. – Тошкент. Фан. 1965.
- Duman, Abdullah, “Bîrûnî”, Türkler, Editör, H. Celâl Güzel, Ankara, 2002.
- Абу Райҳон Беруний, “Қадимги халқлардан қолган ёдгорлик”. Танланган асарла 2 жилд. – Тошкент. Фан. 1965.
- Абу Райхон Беруни. Определение границ мест для уточнения расстояние между населенными пунктами (Геодезия). Исследование, перевод и применение П. Г. Булгакова. Избранные произведения. Т. III. Ташкент. 1966.