Gulmammadova Shalala Adil
Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Institute of Dendrology Ministry of Science and Education,
Azerbaijan, Baku
Hasanova Minara Yunis
Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Institute of Dendrology Ministry of Science and Education,
Azerbaijan, Baku
Гюльмамедова Шалала Адил кызы
канд. биол. наук, доц., Институт Дендрологии Министерства Науки и Образования,
Азербайджан, г. Баку
Гасанова Минара Юнис кызы
канд. биол. наук, доц., Институт Дендрологии Министерства Науки и Образования,
Азербайджан, г. Баку
The article describes the results of research work on the study of the taxonomic composition and origin of ornamental trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in the parks and gardens of Absheron, forms of creating compositions, the prospects for using plants in various plantations. It was revealed that the studied plants adapt well to the conditions of Absheron, are promising and are recommended for the design of parks, gardens, squares, and the creation of various compositions.
В статье описаны результаты научно-исследовательской работы по изучению таксономического состава и происхождения декоративных деревьев, кустарников и травянистых растений в парках и садах Апшерона, форм создания композиций, перспективы использования растений в различных насаждениях. Выявлено, что изученные растения хорошо адаптируются в условиях Апшерона и рекомендуются при оформлении парков, садов, скверов, создании различных композиций.
Keywords: ornamental, plant, composition, landscape, introduction.
Ключевые слова: декоративный, растение, композиция, ландшафт, интродукция.
In recent years, extensive work has been carried out in Absheron to develop green areas, create various compositions and improve the environment. In connection with the growth of cities, with their newly created and changed structural plan, along with individual elements and territories, the entire urban environment is changing.
The rapid growth of housing construction in Baku and the reconstruction of the old part of the city's development significantly expand the boundaries of the capital of the republic [1, p.6].
Ornamental tree and shrub plantations, flower beds and lawns determine the originality and beauty of cities and towns, and significantly improve the life of the population. Tropical plants introduced from the local flora and foreign countries, mainly from the Mediterranean countries, Holland, Turkey, Iran are widely used in the landscape design of Absheron when creating various compositions. Along with local plants, they enrich the parks, gardens, streets, squares, boulevards of Baku, contribute to the development of biodiversity and rational recreation of people.
Currently, the main task of landscape design is considered to be the creation of beauty and harmony in combination with the convenience of using the infrastructure of buildings, smoothing out the conflict between urbanization forms and nature, which often suffers from them [2, p.25].
For the development of landscape design in Absheron, it is necessary to study the diversity of species and varieties of new introduced tropical plants used in the landscaping of the republic, to create various forms of compositions by scientific methods. For this purpose, research work is being carried out in the laboratory "Landscape Architecture" of the Institute of Dendrology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The purpose of the research work is to study the taxonomic composition and origin of ornamental trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in the parks and gardens of Absheron, to determine the number of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, the forms of creating compositions, the rules for grouping ornamental plants in compositions according to biological and decorative characteristics, the use small architectural forms, decorative forms of trimming trees and shrubs, selection of promising plant species for use in landscape design, prospects for using plants in various plantations.
When creating flowerbeds and flower beds, one should try to make them not only beautiful from spring to autumn, but also easy to maintain, and in no case should life be sacrificed for beauty [3, p.24].
When conducting research work in 2019-2022, expeditions were organized on the territory of the National Seaside Park, the Philharmonic Garden, the Garden of Samad Vurgun, Khagani Park, Sahil Park and the Absheron Flower Park. In these parks and gardens, observations were made, herbariums were collected, the taxonomic composition and origin of ornamental trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants were studied, the number of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants was determined, the forms of creating compositions, the rules for grouping plants in compositions according to biological and decorative characteristics, the use of small architectural forms, decorative forms of pruning trees and shrubs, selection of promising species for landscaping, prospects for the use of plants in various plantations. The taxonomic composition of plants from 51 families, 78 genera and 97 species was studied in the National Seaside Park, 34 families, 45 genera and 55 species in the Philharmonic Garden, 23 families, 32 genera and 35 species in the Samad Vurgun Garden, 29 in Khagani Park families, 41 genera and 46 species, in the Sahil Park - 16 families, 26 genera and 28 species, in the Park of Flowers - 21 families, 29 genera and 37 species.
In the parks and gardens of Absheron, the creation of various forms of compositions in a regular style was studied - geometric shapes (rectangle, square, circle, rhombus, etc.) and in landscape or landscape style - original forms (flower garden, labyrinth, buta, etc.). ). Some forms of compositions studied in the parks and gardens of Absheron are shown in Figures 1-6.
Geometric shapes compositions in a regular style
Original forms of compositions in landscape or landscape style
The taxonomic composition and origin of the studied ornamental plants in the Park of Flowers on Apsheron are shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
Family |
Genus |
Species |
Origin |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1.Pinaceae Lindl. 2.Cupressaceae F.W.Neger |
1.Cedrus Mill. 2.Juniperus L. 3.Thuja (L.)Tourk. 4.Cupressus L.
1.C.deodara G.Don 2.J.occidentalis Hook. 3.T.occidentalis L. 4.C.arizonica Greene 5.C.sempervirens for.horizontalis L. 6.C.x leylandii A.B.Jacks. 7.C.sempervirens L. |
Algeria Europe North America California Asia Minor Holland Asia Minor |
3.Magnoliaceae J.St.Hil. |
5.Magnolia L. |
8.M. fraseri Walter |
Japan |
4.Oleaceae Lindl.
6.Ligustrum L 7.Olea L. |
9.L. japonicum Thunb. 10. L.vulgaris L. 11.O.europaea L. |
Caucasus, Ukraine Europe Australia
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5.Platanaceae Dumort. |
8.Platanus L. |
12.P.occidentalis L. |
North America |
6.Malvaceae Juss. |
9.Hibiscus L. |
13.H.syriacus L. |
China |
7.Rosaceae Juss.
10.Cotoneaster Medic. 11. Pyracantha Roem. 12.Photinia Lindl. 13.Prunus Mill. |
14.C.lucidus Schltdl. 15.P.angustifolia Franch. 16.P.serratifolia Desf. 17.P.cerasifera Enrn. |
North Caucasus South China Asia, China Caucasus, Asia |
8.Celastraceae Lindl. |
14.Euonymus L. |
18.E.japonicus Thunb. 19.E.fortunei L. |
Asia Minor China |
9.Palmaea Juss. |
15.Phoenix L. |
20.P.canariensis Chabaud. |
Canary Islands |
10.Buxaceae Dumort. |
16.Buxus L. |
21.B.colchica Pojark. |
Asia, Caucasus |
Total: 21 family, 29 genus and 37 species
The flowers that border the lawn make the transition of groups of trees and shrubs to the lawn or meadow area beautiful. Here, the flowers can be a variety of flowering, monochrome or entirely decorative deciduous plants and small shrubs [4, p.3].
As a result of research work in the laboratory "Landscape architecture" of the Institute of Dendrology Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Turkiye it was revealed that tropical plants introduced from local flora and foreign countries in parks and gardens adapt well to the conditions of Absheron, are promising and are recommended for use in landscape design, in the design of parks, gardens, squares in Absheron.
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