Marina Ankvab
doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor Abkhazian State University,
Republic of Abkhazia, Sukhum
High rates of knowledge renewal, the development of the world wide web and means of communication expand the information field, so the educational space of the university is no longer the only resource for obtaining knowledge. A future specialist can be successful in case of being ready to learn new things and being able to adapt quickly in a dynamically developing society.
Based on the carried-out research, the article defines the concept and structure of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space. The author defines the organizational and didactic conditions necessary for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space, including the use of multimedia tools.
Keywords: foreign language competence, non-linguistic specialties, students, university, teaching methods, linguodidactics, multimedia tools, multimedia space.
Modern society is characterized by the intensive development of science and technology, the creation of new information technologies, the expansion of intercultural communication, which significantly affects all spheres of human activity, including education.
One of the key problems of modern linguodidactics, methods of teaching foreign languages is the formation of communicative competence, which provides an opportunity for the participation of a multilingual and multicultural personality in intercultural communication. Many scientists were engaged in the development of theoretical and practical issues on this topic, defining the essence of foreign language communicative competence, structure, conditions of formation (E.I. Bazhenova [4], S.A. Degtyarev, A.N. Karelina [6], T.D. Dubitskaya [7], L.V. Dudnik [8], N.V. Elashkina [9], A.V. Kalagastova [10], Ts. Zhu [15], O.D. Yakovlev [16]).
In modern conditions, intercultural communication cannot be considered in isolation from the information space as an integral part of modern multiculture. Analyzing the existing educational system, researchers apply a philosophical understanding of the processes of informatization, detecting qualitative changes in the components of the components. The educational system as a whole acquires new characteristics and properties of the information educational space (M.S. Aksenov [1], F.N. Alipkhanova [2], A.V. Gil [5], V.A. Osipov [11], L.N. Samsonova [13]).
Currently, the necessity of using modern educational technologies of the activity type, updating the content of the educational program, methods and technologies of implementation in accordance with the dynamics of the development of the education system, taking into account the level of development of science and public practice, cultural and linguistic diversity of the modern world is emphasized.
Despite the versatility and significance of the research carried out on the formation of foreign language communicative competence, they do not exhaust the problem of the formation of this competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia-mediated context of intercultural communication.
The informatization of society is not only a technological phenomenon, but also a phenomenon of modern culture as a whole. Any culture presupposes the existence of a certain information space, which has both technological and social characteristics. Multimedia means in this regard represent the newest, rapidly spreading open information environment of modern multicultural reality, a new type of technological, psychophysical and socio-cultural existence of a multilingual and multicultural personality [14].
Taking into account the peculiarities of the multimedia environment as a multicultural space is of serious importance when teaching a foreign language. Knowledge of network etiquette, communication norms, understanding of the specifics of interaction in the context of intercultural communication, tolerant attitude to traditions and customs, respect for other opinions, understanding of geographical, climatic features and time zones – all this and much more is extremely important when communicating with remote partners, representatives of another culture.
The idea of using computers as a communication medium was first expressed back in 1968, in which the conceptual ideas of the Internet were laid, according to which worldwide networks are not only a tool for sending and receiving information. The main role in the communication process is played by communicants, Internet users, the interaction between which is a communicative process. The flexibility of interaction technologies in computer networks allows them to be used for effective cooperation.
Scientists have expressed the idea of a mental model of the communication process based on computers, the creation of which is necessary for the implementation of successful communication [18]. According to the authors’ position, when communicating in an electronic environment, data sets built in accordance with some mental models of its creator are included in the user’s own model. Such a mental model includes people’s ideas about themselves, others, the environment and objects of the environment, the idea of the surrounding world, the interlocutor, the language of communication, the structure of dialogue and the perception of oneself as a “multicultural and multilingual linguistic personality”. A “multicultural multilingual personality” is understood as a person who is able to actively adapt to the conditions of a global multicultural society, accept and respect other cultures, and be able to interact with representatives of other countries and peoples. The linguodidactic interpretation of this term is based on the concept of “linguistic personality”, which is studied in the scientific literature in the unity of psychological, social, linguistic, ethical and many other components (N.A. Akhrenova, A.M. Balyan, V.V. Milyakova, E.N. Ryadchikova [3, 12, 17], etc.).
The concept of “linguistic personality” is understood in modern linguodidactics as a set of abilities (readiness) of a person for foreign language communication at the intercultural level, adequate interaction with representatives of other cultures. The condition for the formation of a multilingual and multicultural personality in the modern communicative space is the mastery of a certain level of communicative competence, which is the basis of all other competencies of a multicultural personality. The readiness and ability of a multicultural personality to carry out intercultural communication depends on the degree of its formation.
This study provides for the development of the author’s definition of the concept of “foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space”, based on the fact that the condition for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties is their mastery of a certain level of communicative competence, which is considered as the “leading and core” underlying all other personal competencies. The level of development of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties determines the degree of their readiness and ability to carry out multimedia-mediated intercultural communication.
In other words, the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space is organized within the framework of a complex, open-ended, nonlinear, self-developing pedagogical system that forms a linguistic personality.
Any self-developing nonlinear open-ended system, pedagogical system of language personality formation, in particular, contains elements of bifurcations, which can be explained by the appearance of alternative options for development opportunities relevant to all participants in the educational process (teachers and students). Such a highly complex self-developing system has the properties of fluctuation, which means constant changes, fluctuations, deviations that generate a state of instability and order amplification [18]. Considering the linguistic environment of an open multicultural information society from the standpoint of synergetics as an extremely complex open system, it is necessary to emphasize that it is the foundation for the formation of a multilingual multicultural personality.
A multilingual multicultural personality as an open super-complex system is in close interaction with the environment due to the exchange of energy of information flows in the conditions of multimedia-mediated intercultural communication, which, like a living organism, is characterized by fluctuations, bifurcations, the consequence of which is the birth of neoplasms in the complex resource of communication participants, which ensures the ability and readiness of a multilingual multicultural personality to communicate effectively in conditions of multimedia-mediated intercultural communication.
There is a need to apply new integrated methods that develop abstract-logical and figurative-intuitive cognitive abilities necessary for the formation of a multicultural linguistic personality. At the same time, the content of language education should be sufficiently variable, open to the perception of changes in the socio-cultural environment and its diversity. It should express both the state of the environment itself and the needs of self-determination of the subject in a situation of multicultural reality. The organization of the educational process with the use of multimedia teaching tools and Internet information sources meets all the above requirements.
From this point of view, the formation of foreign-language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space involves active interaction of the subjects of the educational process, the teacher and the student, in the multimedia-mediated information field of the educational space with a wide range of information sources and modern means of communication, and both the teacher and the students themselves can be considered in the categories of synergetic as complex, open, nonlinear systems.
Modern educational technologies are based on project activities, following the humanistic philosophy of education, the purpose of which is to identify, develop, realize the creative interests and abilities of each child, stimulate his independent productive learning activities.
According to scientists involved in the development of the project method, the construction of the learning process on its basis contributes to the development of cognitive skills of students, critical and creative thinking, the ability to independently design their knowledge, navigate in the information space of modern society, the project method forms the didactic basis of modern educational and methodological complexes in English used in the educational space of universities. At the end of each section / unit, students are invited to complete a creative task using the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the passage of a particular topic.
The effectiveness of the learning process directly depends on the specifics of the interaction of the personality of the future specialist with the world, on the nature of the activity in which the student is involved at a certain stage of his development, on the content, forms and methods of teaching, their compliance with age, individual characteristics and capabilities of students of non-linguistic specialties. These patterns find their concrete expression in the principles of learning.
Tasks can be in both multimedia and printed versions. Active use of multimedia tools is assumed at the stage of creating students’ own product in a foreign language using search engines, dictionaries, templates, interactive tools and digital multimedia devices. At the same time, special attention is paid to the safety rules in the virtual space and the need to respect copyright.
Since the presence of a complex of personal qualities inherent in a multilingual multicultural personality is of great importance for the formation of foreign-language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space, during the study of the topics provided by the program, students get acquainted with the history, customs, traditions, realities of everyday life of peers from other countries through rational selection and use of authentic audio, video in the educational process, text material, learn to represent their culture, talk about your interests, hobbies, aspirations and life priorities.
The first stage of the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space correlates with the basic level of integration of multimedia teaching tools into the educational process and involves the active use of multimedia teaching tools by the teacher for the organization of familiarization and primary training of new educational material.
At the first stage of the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space, in addition to developing the necessary pronunciation, lexical, grammatical skills, as well as skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing, it is important to acquaint students with the traditions and cultural features of the countries of the studied language. The teacher should create conditions for the formation of stable motivation and interest in foreign language communication, taking into account individual characteristics, their curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind, the desire for knowledge and information.
The central role in the educational process is played by the teacher, students show levels of independence corresponding to their level of training, abilities and opportunities. The entire learning process is organized and controlled, the activities of students of non-linguistic specialties are almost completely regulated by the instructions of the teacher. Tasks are carried out mainly individually, cooperation activities usually do not require extensive use of multimedia tools. However, the teacher does not limit the initiative of students of non-linguistic specialties, encouraging those who are ready to solve more complex tasks.
The format of the proposed tasks is optimal for the complexity of the course of students. These are mainly working with text documents, PowerPoint presentations, performing interactive exercises using educational websites, listening to audio files, watching videos, performing test tasks in electronic format.
The creative component of the learning process is realized through the creation by students of the simplest products in a foreign language based on a text created according to a sample, using the simplest multimedia tools (a table, short stories, messages, presentations).
Thus, the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space will be effective, provided that the component composition of the foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties is identified, which is necessary for effective communication in the conditions of multimedia-mediated intercultural communication.
The developed theory and relevant developments are prerequisites for the further experimentally verified methodology and its introduction into the educational process of the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in a multimedia educational space that meets methodological requirements, taking into account the needs of society and the personality of the student.
The scientific description of the process of formation of foreign language communicative competence of students of non-linguistic specialties in the multimedia educational space will serve as a basis for creating a control and diagnostic apparatus for assessing the levels of formation of this competence and determining the necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions.
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