Aiymzhan Tokzhanova
3rd year student, Kazakhstan, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University,
Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
In response to the aggression of the fascist bloc (Germany, Italy, Japan, their allies and satellites) and since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (the attack on the USSR) since 1941, the defensive forces of the anti-Hitler coalition (Grand Alliance) were formed, the basis of the power which were the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
From that moment on, the Second World War was of a coalition nature.
It should be noted that within the coalition, each country has a common goal and pursued its own interests.
The period of the 30s and early 40s is characterized by years of repression. Stalin's ruling regime is carrying out a large collectivization in the countryside, which greatly weakens agriculture as a whole. At this time, the decline of the rural population, the elimination of private ownership of land on the cattle led to the extinction of a large number of people in the countryside (called the Holodomor). The government of the USSR carried out great repression among military leaders, which led to a weakening of the army, as well as representatives of the intelligentsia.
At the beginning of World War II, when two military-political blocs of the great powers were formed, which Great Britain and France opposed Germany, Italy and Japan. At that time, the USSR and the United States took a wait-and-see attitude and counted on using the war between these blocs in their own interests.
In foreign policy, the USSR is trying to protect itself from the invasion of Hitler's Germany by signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Therefore, the German attack on the USSR in June 1941 was completely unexpected. Against the background of the above reasons, the USSR initiated the creation of a coalition.
The internal policy of the USSR was still largely determined by the military situation. The Soviet Union bore the brunt of the armed struggle with Germany and suffered huge losses. A number of major defeats of the Red Army in the initial period of the war, the loss of a significant part of human resources, equipment, a shortage of weapons and the loss of a large part of the country's territory made it necessary to search for allies to open a second front in order to fully resist Hitler Germany.
On July 12, 1941, an agreement was signed in Moscow between the USSR and Great Britain, which enshrined the obligations of both sides on mutual assistance in the fight against Germany and on the rejection of the idea of a separate peace with Berlin.
The United States was considered a liberal capitalist country close in culture to England, besides, America's interests in the 30s. so far were limited mainly to two Americas.
By the time World War II broke out, the United States held an observant position. On September 3, 1939, the United States officially declares its neutrality towards the countries participating in the war, but two months later, Congress authorized the sale of weapons to the belligerent countries. The US population was against joining the war. Observing the war in Europe (the occupation of Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium, the entry of Italy into the war, the surrender of France, the fear of the capture of the British navy by Germany in the event of the defeat of Great Britain), the awareness of the danger made the USA significantly increases military measures and increases aid to GB. In September 1940, the Compulsory Conscription Act was passed, although the USA was not yet directly involved in the war.
The United States provided assistance to Britain with weapons and ammunition, strategic raw materials and foodstuffs, in exchange, Britain provided the United States with the right to lease naval and air bases in 8 strategic important points of the Atlantic.
The United States provided assistance to Britain with weapons and ammunition, strategic raw materials and foodstuffs, in exchange, Britain provided the United States with the right to lease naval and air bases in 8 strategic important points of the Atlantic.
In November of 1940, an agreement was signed in Berlin on the Triple Alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan. The United States understood that this Pact was already directly directed against America. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese army bombed Pearl Harbor, and from this moment President Roosevelt understands the real threat from Japan, which at that time was an ally of Germany. And the German attack on the USSR prompted the US government to take a position of friendly support for the USSR and create an alliance against the Hitlerite coalition.
On October 1, 1941, an agreement is signed on the supply of weapons, military equipment and foodstuffs within the Lend-Lease.
Great Britain:
After the First World War, Great Britain was one of the main active countries in the international political arena. In order to preserve the parity of power in Europe, Great Britain has alternately supported various countries.
Despite the global crisis and many financial difficulties, the world position in Great Britain in the 30s was much better. Great Britain remained the only superpower. She dominated the League of Nations. Through the Locarno Treaties (1925), she pacified Europe before the rise of Nazi Germany. " Hitler himself in his book "Mein Kampf" called it "the greatest power on earth."
The British geopolitical strategy in World War II was to preserve and strengthen its colonial system in the world, in Europe to eliminate the most powerful powers (Germany and the USSR) by means of their mutual exhaustion. In other words, the British dreamed of an approximate repetition of the results of the First World War, with the only difference that Great Britain itself would not suffer huge losses and casualties.
In the 30s, fearing the communist influence of the USSR, Great Britain entered into the Munich agreement in 1938 with Germany, intending to maintain control over Germany.
The seizure of Czechoslovakia by fascist Germany meant a violation of the Munich agreement by Germany, as well as the capture of Poland, where Britain acted as the guarantor of security, as well as a threat to the dominions, therefore this all signified the collapse of British politics. In this situation, there was a direct threat to the security of Great Britain and its dominions. On August 14, 1941, US President F. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister W. Churchill published a joint statement on the goals of the war and the principles of the post-war organization - the so-called Atlantic Charter.
On July 12, 1941, an agreement was signed in Moscow between the USSR and Great Britain, which enshrined the obligations of both sides on mutual assistance in the fight against Germany and on the rejection of the idea of a separate peace with Berlin. Like the Atlantic Charter, this agreement served as the legal basis for the further formation of an allied coalition against Germany. In addition, Great Britain in August of the same year began to provide the Soviet side with financial support, providing the USSR with a 3% loan of 10 million pounds sterling for a period of 5 years. Later, on September 24, 1941, the USSR joined the Atlantic Charter.
The 3 main players organize an alliance. Churchill decides to provide financial and material assistance to the USSR.
Anti-Hitler coalition conferences (meetings)
Anti-Hitler coalition conferences (meetings) |
Date |
Place |
Main decisions |
Autumn of 1941 |
Moscow |
-The USA and England pledged to supply weapons and food to the USSR under Lend-Lease with a loan of $ 1 billion -The first steps in joint actions against Germany are discussed |
January 1, 1942 |
Washington |
A significant role in the development of anti-fascist military and political cooperation was played by the 1Declaration of the United Nations signed in Washington, DC, which was joined by 26 states. |
November 28 - December 1, 1943 |
Tehran |
-Declaration on joint actions in the war against Germany adopted -Resolved the issue of opening the third fountain in Europe during May 1944 -We agreed on the territorial structure of post-war Europe: -The Baltic States is recognized as part of the USSR; -Part of East Prussia was transferred to the USSR; -Restored independent Poland in the pre-war borders; The independence of Austria and Hungary was proclaimed. -The USSR promised to declare war on Japan no later than three months after the end of hostilities in Europe -The decision on the future structure of Germany is postponed |
February 4-11, 1945 |
Yalta |
-Defeat plan and terms of Germany's unconditional surrender agreed -Resolved the issue of dividing defeated Germany into four occupied zones: English, American, Soviet and French -The USSR's demand for reparations from Germany in the amount of 10 billion dollars was recognized as legal -The main principles of politics in the post-war world were outlined, it was decided to establish a Constituent Conference to develop a UN charter, in which the USSR received three seats - for the RSFSR, Ukraine and Belarus -The USSR's right to influence the situation in the countries of Eastern Europe was confirmed: in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia -The USSR confirmed its promise to enter the war with Japan and received the consent of the allies to join the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin |
April 25, 1945 |
San Francisco |
The Charter of the United Nations was adopted at the conference in San Francisco. A secret agreement was signed at the conference, according to which the USSR promised to enter into war with Japan 2-3 months after the end of the war in Europe, provided that the USSR would transfer South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands and establish a naval base in Port Arthur. |
July 17 - August 2, 1945 |
Potsdam |
-The issue of the four-sided occupation of Germany and the administration of Berlin is resolved -The issue of reparations from Germany in favor of the USSR in the form of industrial equipment was resolved -The principles of demilitarization, denazification, democratization and demonopolization of Germany have been developed (plan 4 D) -International Military Tribunal established to try major Nazi war criminals -The western border of Poland is defined -East Prussia from the city of Keninsberg was transferred to the USSR |
As a result of joint actions with a great delay, when the outcome of the war was almost determined by the victory of the USSR, the United States and Great Britain opened a second front, which brought the soonest outcome of the war closer.
Since the fall of Hitler Germany and the victory of the USSR in the Second World War, the need for joint action against a common enemy has disappeared, moreover, as a result of commercial operations such as subsidizing money, the sale of weapons and food, the United States is emerging from the protracted economic crisis known as the Great Depression.
Great Britain, like the United States, solved its economic crisis, and also removed the threat to its territories from the enemy.
World history has thousands of coalition wars and military-political alliances, which, having achieved their goal in the war, disintegrated. This is primarily due to the fact that the states included in the coalition pursue not only common agreed goals in the war, but also their own interests, which are priority for each of the coalition members. Therefore, intra-coalition relations and strategy are often contradictory, which affects the course and outcome of the war. The peculiarity of the anti-Hitler coalition was that these inconsistencies manifested themselves already in 1941, were constantly growing and predetermined its collapse even before the end of hostilities. To one extent or another, they were associated with different views on the conduct of war, ideas about post-war borders, spheres of influence, the structure of the world and other, mainly geopolitical, factors.
The collapse of the anti-Hitler coalition and the creation of the United Nations is marked as the beginning of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA.