Assel Akhmetova
PhD student, Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov,
Kazakhstan, Karaganda,
Zhannat Karmanova
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov,
Kazakhstan, Karaganda
Yan Danek
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, University of St. Cyril and Methodius,
Republic of Slovakia, Trnava
In the professional and pedagogical activities of the teacher, there is a need to pay attention to technologies for the development of cognitive abilities of the individual. The problem of the development of cognitive abilities acquires particular relevance in the context of digitalization. Actively introducing modern technologies into the educational process, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of these tools for the cognitive development of subjects of educational activity. Existing technologies for the development of cognitive abilities, created on the basis of fundamental scientific research of the cognitive processes of the individual, are used by teachers fragmentarily and do not find proper application in the practice of school and university education, there is no systematic approach to the development of the abilities of the student. The article presents a description of innovative technologies considered by through the prism of cognitive development of students, noting the potential of the most effective technologies to solve this problem.
Keywords: cognitive abilities; pedagogical technologies; training; development; digitalization; technology.
Existing technologies for the development of cognitive abilities of students at the levels of general and professional (bachelor's, master's degree) education are not adapted to modern conditions of active introduction of digital technologies. Until now, technologies that can be used by a teacher absolutely in every lesson and help students cope with a large flow of information have not been systematized, finalized and not implemented. The results of the study of the frequency of application of innovative technologies in the learning process indicate that many teachers do not always know the essence of some technologies and do not understand the specifics of their implementation and use. Recognizing the objectively existing variety of educational technologies, emphasizing their importance for the development of the personality of students, it should be noted the urgent need to study specific tools that contribute to the formation and improvement of cognitive functions of students.
The problem of developing the cognitive abilities of students should be in the center of attention of all participants in educational relations - teachers, parents, students. Analyzing the situation, we can focus on the fact that we have a customer, there are technologies created on the basis of fundamental scientific research of the cognitive processes of the individual, but existing technologies do not find proper application in the practice of school and university education.
The research of D.V. Ushakov indicates that the developed intelligence of the individual has an impact not only on the success of his activities, but also on the socio-economic achievements of the whole country [1].
Highlighting the main characteristics of the problem, Yu.V. Gromyko notes that it: is an objective obstacle to development, cannot be solved by existing means, requires a comprehensive multitasking solution [2]. The formulated problem of development of cognitive abilities of students:
• It is an objective obstacle to development, since in the conditions of the digital educational environment, the presence of a large flow of information of different quality, many of its sources hinders the cognitive development of the individual.
• Cannot be solved by existing means, since it is necessary to focus the attention of teachers on the importance of developing cognitive abilities, which are a condition for achieving the quality of education. Of course, there are means aimed at solving the problem, but they, as a rule, are not systematized, not adapted for use at different levels of education and are used by teachers not in the system, fragmentarily.
• Requires a comprehensive multitasking solution, since cognitive abilities are a universal capital of the individual, allowing you to perceive, remember, process, update, transform information for its further application.
All the above functions are closely interrelated, and one task, for example, to perceive the material, is closely related to another - its memorization, memorization with processing, etc. The quality of education, of course, increases in the case of competent introduction of psychological and pedagogical technologies into the educational process. But more valuable is the contribution of these technologies to the cognitive development of the individual. There is no doubt that developed attention, a high level of thinking, mastery of mnemonic actions and regulation of cognitive activity, will allow students to achieve high results in educational activities without the use of additional tools. It seems to us that the ultimate goal should not be the thoughtless introduction of a large number of technologies into the teaching process, but the competent step-by-step improvement of the cognitive abilities of students. And technologies are tools that help the teacher solve the problems of teaching, educating and developing the student's personality.
When searching for pedagogical technologies for the modern generation of schoolchildren, first of all, it is necessary to take into account its features. To characterize this or that generation of children is a very difficult and contradictory task. Each child is unique and trying to isolate something typical even for a specific group of people always leads to some simplification and formalization of conclusions. Nevertheless, many scientists on the basis of various studies, including their own, make attempts to identify the most typical characteristics of the younger generation. In general, the desire to characterize the younger generation is justified, since this, at least, encourages teachers to analyze the current situation, find the causes of their personal and professional problems, try to give an explanation for unexpected situations and difficulties. Reflexively and critically thinking teacher, this can give impetus to rethinking their actions, decisions made and made. For a teacher, objective, even generalized, information about the modern generation of children and young people is a base, a source for the search for new ideas, approaches and pedagogical technologies.
The authors of sociological and psychological-pedagogical studies (A. Antipov, E. Shamis, M. R. Miroshkina, V. I. Pishchik, etc.) establish different generational time frames. In general, researchers compromise that children of generation Z are children who were born after 2000, and the condition for assigning them to generation Z is life in the digital space [3].
It is important that a number of scientists who are aware of digitalization as a stage of the technological revolution understand that neurocognitive studies of generation Z born during this period are needed, and these studies should be carried out by natural scientific methods. A number of authors have updated the concept of the "neurocognitive approach", according to which the study, in particular the problems of children of generation Z, is carried out through the study of neural activity and cognitive behavior, which is determined by the influence of information technologies on the organization and implementation of cognitive processes [4].
Researchers confirm that in the human brain, under the influence of the constant use of information technology, neural pathways change significantly. This is what distinguishes this generation, born in two realities simultaneously, from all other previous generations [5; 6]. These two realities coexist in the minds of young people, complementing each other and not conflicting.
Studies of the digital competence of schoolchildren show that this can be considered "based on the continuous mastery of competencies (a system of relevant knowledge, skills, motivation and responsibility) of an individual to confidently, effectively, critically and safely choose and apply infocommunication technologies in different spheres of life (work with content, communications, consumption, technosphere), as well as his readiness for such activities." It is obvious that digital competence in the information society can be mastered by each of its members, but the difference between Generation Z and all other generations also living in modern society is that all other generations, as many researchers believe, are "digital immigrants", and only representatives of Generation Z can be recognized as "indigenous inhabitants" of the digital world (G. Small). 8; 9] is a "milestone": all previous generations are not like it and all subsequent ones will be similar.
The features of the digital generation, which are obvious today, require not so much behavioral research (the difference in behavior with the previous generation is obvious), but determine neurocognitive research, since, as L. S. Vygotsky argued in his cultural-historical theory of the development of higher mental functions, new tools change the cognitive abilities of the digital generation (V. D. Nechaev, E. E. Durneva) [10]. The authors draw attention to the fact that modern information technologies as new cultural and historical tools have penetrated so deeply into all spheres of life that they have created a precedent for global digitalization and the existence of a parallel "digital reality". Itis very different to relate to the realization of this fact, but it is pointless to reject it.
As a result of a sociological study conducted in 2016 by Sberbank and Validata [11], facts have been established indicating that the new generation has features, including in the methods of information processing, which are confirmed by neurocognitive studies [12; 13].
An important fact established in the indicated study is that the children of Generation Z were born "with a button on the finger." The data obtained suggest that the Internet for modern schoolchildren is an ordinary and integral part of life. Most teenagers use it to search for all sorts of interesting information. In second place, as studies have shown, in terms of popularity among adolescents is the search for information for study. In general, the interest of adolescents in the use of the Internet for educational purposes is quite high: adolescents devote more time to educational activities on the Internet than separately to communication, finding friends and games. Adolescents strive to ensure that their Internet activities are quite diverse and use different types of it [11].
Based on the foregoing, we can say that the modern generation has opportunities for successful learning. The first is quick and easy access to a large amount of information on the Internet; secondly, it is the ability to adapt quickly and plastically to endlessly changing processes and living conditions; Thirdly, sufficient adaptability and acceptance of distance learning, the ability to work with a variety of information in multitasking mode, speed of reaction.
Thus, an important factor in the improvement of pedagogical technologies is the focus on the features of the new generation and the consideration of these features in the development of technological support for the modern educational process. The digital generation is significantly different from previous generations and has its characteristic cognitive psychological and socio-psychological features that must be taken into account when developing and selecting pedagogical technologies: clip thinking, the need for personification, hyperactivity, introverted individualism, pragmatism, multimedia perception, the predominance of virtual communication, the virtualization of creativity, etc.
At the same time, modern technologies should form such qualities that will allow a young person to be in demand, successful, competitive in society, to develop the interest of schoolchildren in continuing education, the ability to mobilely rebuild in new conditions. We need technologies that ensure the subjective position of students in the educational process, provide them with the opportunity to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their education, the future of their family, country. The use of such technologies involves the moral content of the content of education and a fundamentally different nature of the interaction of teachers and students.
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