Abdukhalil Ismatov
candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Tashkent State Technical University,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Ravshanjon Alimardanov
assistant, Tashkent State Transport University,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Iskandarbek Abdurashidov
doctoral student, Tashkent State Transport University,
Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Исматов Абдухалил Абдусаматович
канд. техн. наук, доц., Ташкентский государственный технический университет,
Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Алимарданов Равшанжон Алимардан угли
ассистент, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,
Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Абдурашидов Искандарбек Журъат угли
докторант, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,
Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
The article analyzes the compilation of a dynamic model of a four-wheel drive car and its simplification for the analysis of the transmission dynamics and power loading.
В статье анализируется составление динамической модели полноприводного автомобиля и его упрощение для анализа динамики трансмиссии и силового нагружения.
Keywords: transmission, vibrations, loading, dynamics, moment of inertia, reduced mass.
Ключевые слова: трансмиссия, колебания, нагружения, динамика, момент инерции, приведенная масса.
The technical level and competitiveness of modern cars is largely determined by the use of their designs in new scientific and technical achievements. Studies have shown that fully driven cars GAZ-66 can be in operation for several decades, but one weak link in them is the engine. Rehabilitation of these engines at this time is very expensive, which does not justify the cost. It is proposed to replace the engines of ISUZU brands.
In connection with this study of the dynamics of the transmission of all-wheel drive vehicles is relevant. In the first stage of solving the task of studying the dynamics is the development of an adequate dynamic model.
To compile a dynamic model of a transmission with a fully driven car with a wheel formula 4x4, it is necessary to schematize and simplify the realistic design of the transmission with the account of the impact of the elements thrown on its dynamics, as the wheel. The simplification is achieved in the following way: the distributed masses are replaced by concentrated, shaft springs that do not have a mass, inelastic resistance to the coupling of the coupling. Torsional moments on the clutch clutches on the wheels are limited by the maximum torque of the clutch clutches with the engine flywheels and clutch of the drive wheels with the road [1,3]. The equivalent dynamic transmission model of a fully driven car with two drive axles is shown in Fig.1.
Figure 1. Equivalent dynamic model of a four-wheel drive car
This dynamic model has 9 degrees of freedom and for the analysis of steep oscillations and the calculation of the force load of the transmission elements it is necessary to make 9 interrelated differential equations of 2 degrees. At the present time, the methods of studying such complex oscillating systems have been developed, but the analysis of forced unsteady steep oscillations has taken a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to simplify the dynamic model of the transmission, leaving the modes of movement and dynamic parameters of the details and components of the transmission.
Experimental studies have shown that variable moments on the left and right wheels of a single bridge with the same speed of movement [1,2]. Let us assume that without a broken wheel movement then conditioned couplings Mj1 and Mj2 can be excluded from the dynamic model. We consider the clutch clutch Mj blocked.
The further simplification of the dynamic model is produced by determining the moments of mass inertia, the stiffness of the elastic bonds, the coefficients of damping to the knee shaft of the engine. As a result, we obtain the dynamic model of the transmission transmitted to the crankshaft of the dynamic parameters of the engine, which is given in Fig.2.
Figure 2. The reduced dynamic model of the transmission of an all-wheel drive vehicle
Thus, in the development of equivalent dynamic models of transmission of a fully driven car with a wheel formula 4x4, which will be used in the composition of the differential equations of steep oscillations and the equations of the dynamics of the equations of equilibrium.
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- Ismatov A.A., Abdurashidov I.Zh., Yokubzhonov S.G. Analysis of malfunctions of the brake system of isuzu buses during operation [Analiz neispravnostey tormoznoy sistemy avtobusov isuzu v protsesse ekspluatatsii] // Problemy nauki, 2021, no.5 (64).
- Abdurashidov I.Zh., Alimardanov A.A. Study on the effectiveness of automotive brake tests [Issledovaniye effektivnosti ispytaniy avtomobil'nykh tormozov] // Universum: technical sciences, 2021, no.12-2 (93).