Viktoriia Perveeva
PhD, EMBA, Head of the Scientific Department of the Limited Liability Company “BVT15”,
Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Trends of digitalization of education, along with the proliferation of practices of distance learning methods, present not only many advantages in the organization of the educational process, but also impose a wide range of requirements aimed at the practice of the educational process with the use of information and communication technologies. As the practical experience of the author shows, the issues of organizing educational sessions with children in the application of distance learning methods become particularly problematic in the practice of teaching individual academic disciplines.
The relevance of the topic of the study is also dictated by the fact that today the issues of building learning with the use of digital technology requires the systematization of the experience gained during the pandemic and its derivation into special developments with a practical nature related to the possibility of application in teacher practice in conducting online classes in physical education [1, 2].
The aim of the study is to substantiate the methodology of organizing physical education classes in the distance learning system.
Teaching sports disciplines in online learning format becomes one of the more problematic elements of the organization of educational classes, which is due to a whole system of factors, each of which requires timely identification and leveling [3]. Table 1 presents the results of the analysis of these factors and suggests ways to their leveling, including emphasis on the author's practice:
Table 1.
Approaches to leveling the problems of teaching sports disciplines in online learning format
Problem |
Ways to level them |
Difficulty of providing motivation to engage in physical education in a distance learning environment. |
Application of up-to-date pedagogical technologies, emphasis on practical character at the necessary level of organization of theoretical teaching, stimulation. |
Potential problems with tools and equipment for the lesson. |
Creating training sessions which are equally accessible to the children / making alternatives for exercises if the necessary tools are not available. |
Difficulty in recording the current state of the trainee, monitoring the correctness of the exercises. |
Organization of preliminary theoretical training + prior tracking of correctness of the exercises before organizing the class. |
Need to provide an effective combination of various forms of classes. |
Predominance of practice-oriented, self-study forms and conducting classes with the use of data communication tools to check the correctness of exercises. |
Difficulty in organizing supervision. |
Use of observation methods, advance warning, synchronized activities. |
Practical impracticability of synchronized online classes. |
Providing synchronous instruction to demonstrate exercises, not to organize a joint class. |
Lack of accessible learning technologies that allow combining theoretical and practice-oriented classes in both physical education and sports disciplines in general in a distance education environment. |
Emphasis on the organization of independent work, while ensuring the sufficiency of theoretical training. |
Many other particular problems encountered in the practice of teaching. |
Ensuring monitoring and timely prevention of private problems. |
Referring back to Table 1, it should be emphasized that we see the solution to the above problems in recreating such a structure for conducting educational sessions which would neutralize all the shortcomings presented, and also make it possible to increase the motor activity of the child in conditions of distance learning, to organize a complex support for him/her taking into account the basic modern principles of teaching.
The following system (Fig.1) can be presented as a basis for a model of interaction between a learner and a teacher:
Lack of accessible teaching technologies that allow a combination of theoretical and practice-oriented classes in physical education and sport disciplines in general in distance education An emphasis on organizing independent work while ensuring the sufficiency of theoretical training Many other particular problems encountered in teaching practices. Ensuring monitoring and timely warning against particular problems.
Figure 1. Providing interaction between the learner and the teacher when practising physical education online
As part of overcoming the problems, in the author's practice, the following methodology for building the learning process based on a number of components of the online sports training session, shown in Figure 2, becomes the most effective:
Figure 2. Methodology of teaching sports disciplines online for children 7-10 years old
Referring to Fig. 1 it can be emphasized that in case of using this methodology the teacher manages not only to level the previously presented problems of organizing and conducting sports classes online (in distance learning), but also to contribute to the overall development of students, to use a wide range of tools in the organization of training sessions. It is important to specify that this method takes into account not only the principles of individualization, personality-oriented approach and taking into account physiological and physical features of the student, but also allows for full effective support from the teacher, which becomes the basis for the quality development of the student, instilling a culture of healthy lifestyles, physical development [4].
From the standpoint of age peculiarities, the teacher requirements associated with high visibility, the possibility of using game technology in the performance of exercises, presentation of direct didactic material in the form of a game lesson.
So, to all other things, the presented technique, in the teaching practice of the author, has shown quite good results of application, connected with the increase of physical activity of children, possibilities of tracing changes, carrying out of timely corrective actions and monitoring procedures [5]. In other words, the methodology becomes really effective when organizing training sessions.
Thus, the results of the conducted comprehensive analysis show that at the present stage special prospects are gained by the possibility of building online training sessions with the focus on the use of a combination of "theoretical class - practical reproduction with the teacher - independent performance", which allows overcoming many problems of teaching sports disciplines online for children 7-10 years.
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