Gumash Atayantz
Student of Federal State-Owned Publicly-Funded Institution of Higher Education Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin,
Russia, Ryazan
Olga Suvatkova
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Ryazan State Radiotechnical University named after V.F. Utkin,
Russia, Ryazan
The article provides a brief overview of the timeline for innovative and information transformations taking place in the healthcare management system as affected by global trends inspired by Russian economy digitalization. The study conducts an analysis of the attempt to implement the EGISZ in the Russian Federation and the Unified medical information analysis system in the city of Moscow. The aim is also to detect the exceptional features of distinguishing domestic and foreign processes of digital transformation.
Keywords: digitalization, information systems, digitalization of healthcare, digital economics, World Health Organization, EGISZ (Uniform State Health Information System), public services, EMIAS (Unified Medical Information Analysis System).
A wide range of electronic public services becomes is an integral part of a full-fledged life of a modern citizen, through the positive impact on such important areas as healthcare, housing and communal services, document management and many others. A variety of websites, portals and applications enable federal, regional and local authorities to solve many key problems remotely, without direct prior contact with a specific officer. This proves to be very cost-effective (considering the subdivisions which become unnecessary), and picks up the feedback to a particular problem. Among other things, this reduces the queues and time wasted thereon [1, p. 516-520].
The digital transformation of services provided expressly within the socially significant areas of such as, for example, healthcare is of outstanding interest.
The introduction of digital solutions in healthcare systems is a global trend. The need to strengthen the digital healthcare was determined by the Resolution WHA71.7 On digital healthcare (May, 2018), approved by World Health Organization. The document indicates the necessity to develop a global digital health strategy that would determine the priority areas of healthcare development and WHO work. After 2 years, the global strategy for digitalization of healthcare for 2020–2025 was approved [2].
Shortly before the above events, in 2016, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, during his annual Address to the Federal Assembly, announced the start of progressive development of the digital economy in Russia [3]. After that, the digitalization-dedicated sections were integrated into all National projects established to achieve the National Development objectives set by the President, including at first instance, the indicators of public health [4].
The national priority project "Healthcare" recognizes the digitalization of the healthcare system of the Russian Federation as one of the key tasks implemented within the scope of the federal project "Development a common digital healthcare profile based on the Uniform State Health Information System" [4].
The parameters of this federal project include solving the problems of transforming the national healthcare system through automated information support, as well as monitoring and analyzing the utilization of healthcare resources and providing medical care to citizens [4].
The Uniform State Health Information System (EGISZ) connects the information systems of all medical organizations and relevant departments, allowing for maintaining unified electronic medical records and registers of people with particular diseases [5].
The basic patient-oriented service is "My Health" so-called "super service", which provides a wide range of services to citizens. Today citizens may make an appointment with a doctor and for health assessment and medical examination; get attached to a medical organization; file an application for choosing an insurance medical organization; obtain information about the medical services provided and their cost. The service development also presumes that citizens shall have access to medical e-documents. By the beginning of 2021, the following became available to patients across the country: a medical certificate of admission to drive a vehicle; referral for hospitalization, rehabilitation treatment, examination, consultation; medical record of a patient receiving medical care on an outpatient basis; medical professional advisory opinion. Soon, "My Health" is going to be provided with electronic prescriptions, becoming a key element of the federal register of preferential drug coverage, which allows keeping records, analyzing, planning and meeting the medication needs of the population [5].
Regional digitalization of healthcare management, is based primarily on domestic experience, rather than on foreign experience, the reference given to the introduction and functioning of Unified Medical Information Analysis System (hereinafter - EMIAS) in the city of Moscow. This is a truly unique system, developed with the aim of improving the quality of medical care and its accessibility in state healthcare institutions, most importantly accelerating the process of appointment to a particular specialist, as well as collecting all patients’ data in the general database of the city of Moscow [6].
The urgent problems that impede the implementation of information technologies in the medicine of the Russian Federation include, among other things, the technological factor, namely, lack of single-network integration and a shortage of links to the high-speed Internet in both doctors and patients. Getting all state medical organizations connected to the EGISZ is planned by 2025. At the same time, the project of digital divide elimination, which involves the connection of the inhabitants of rural, remote and inaccessible areas to the Internet, faces objective difficulties in financing.
Summing up the section of the digitalization process of healthcare management, it should be emphasized that Russia has established own format of innovative and informational health transformation, which is largely pursuing exclusively national interests. This strategy seems to be more than successful. A high-level digitalization is provided by EGISZ and its subsystems. The information systems of the healthcare sector are inherent in the same series of problems as most providing digital solutions in Russia. Considering the EGISZ development trends, the problems identified by the scientific community are confirmed. A number of issues still require normative consolidation and technological implementation. Events on the development of organizational healthcare systems are scheduled until 2030 as part of the digital management transformation. But even now Russia shows a high level of correspondence to the global agenda. The global strategy is, obviously, not decisive in state policy, yet, it sets a reliable development vector that the WHO member-countries follow.
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