Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 8(184)
Рубрика журнала: 14. Сельскохозяйственные науки
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2021.8.184.252328
Библиографическое описание
Jakhongir E.A. WAREHOUSES FOR NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL STORAGE OF FRUITS, THEIR TYPES AND TECHNOLOGIES // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 8(184). URL: https://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/184 (дата обращения: 23.02.2025). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2021.8.184.252328



Jakhongir Eshnazarov

Teacher, Tashkent state agrarian university (TSAU),

O'zbekiston, Toshkent



Methods of storage, processing and storage of fruit products. Fruits are grown at certain times of the year and are the main source of a number of substances necessary for human nutrition - vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates, organic acids and others.


Keyword: fruits and vegetables, drying, storage, warehouse, storage methods, refrigeration process, refrigerator, natural storage, artificial storage/


In today's globalization of the world economy, one of the most important directions of foreign economic policy of each country is to further increase the country's export potential and ensure its competitiveness in the world market. Because the increase of export potential is in the fundamental interests not only of a particular country, but also of every subject of foreign economic activity.

It is known that at the heart of the ongoing economic reforms in our country are the prosperity of the country, the further improvement of the living conditions of our people and the interests of the people. The agricultural sector plays an important role in the economy of the country.

(The production of vegetables and fruits is growing year by year in our independent Republic. The quality of vegetables and fruits depends on the one hand, on their type and navigation, on the other hand, on the timing of their harvesting and harvesting, as well as on the full compliance with the methods of sorting, branding, placement, transportation and storage. When this work is done in a timely manner, the quality and nutrition of the product will increase. In addition, the abundance of sugar, vitamins, biologically active and mineral substances, which are essential for the human body, increases the nutritional, nutritional and healing value of the delicacies. Therefore, the main task is to store wet vegetables, fruits and grapes for as long as possible in the highest quality possible.)

Methods of storage, processing and storage of fruit products. Fruits are grown at certain times of the year and are the main source of a number of substances necessary for human nutrition - vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates, organic acids and others.

The main task in the preservation of fruits is to preserve their physical and chemical composition, i.e. appearance, color, taste, as well as nutritional value and other properties. Therefore, the organization of fruit storage and processing on a correct and scientific basis is to meet the demand of the population for fruit throughout the year.

An in-depth study of the biological and physiological processes involved in fruit storage and a clear understanding of this is important in maintaining the quality of products.

In order to preserve the quality of fruit, it is necessary to know what processes take place in them during storage and what factors of the external environment affect the course of these processes.

While storing fruit, they reduce their natural weight loss by only one percent, leading to an increase in its tonnage of the product. Therefore, experts should pay more attention to the preservation of the fruit and thoroughly study all the issues associated with it.

In the 1st quarter of 2016, Uzbekistan increased the volume of fruit exports by 20%, and in January-March 2016, the volume of fruit exports of Uzbekistan reached 95.1 thousand tons. This represents a 20 percent increase over the same period last year.

"In order to further strengthen and develop the material and technical base for storage of fruits and vegetables, 16 new refrigeration chambers were set up to store 10.5 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables. As a result, in the first quarter of 2016 53.1 thousand tons of vegetables (compared to the same period in 2015) Since the beginning of the year, 95.1 thousand tons of fruit have been exported, "the report said.

The application of advanced technologies of crop production, the introduction of modern methods of processing and storage of products in the sustainable development of fruit growing will help to prevent food shortages today. It is known that grown fruit products go through a series of technological processes until they reach the consumer in the form of finished products.

Not only to prevent the extinction of the fruit, but also to expand the area under cultivation and increase the gross yield, which imposes great challenges on specialists in this field. To do this, first of all, great attention should be paid to the selection of cultivars and agro-technical processing processes. As the fruits ripen, it is best to pick and deliver them to the desired subsequent stages in a timely manner.

The main ways to deliver the grown fruit to consumers are:

- Delivery to markets and supermarkets in fresh form;

- storage;

- in temporary storage warehouses;

- with the help of special cooling chambers;

- active frozen fruit storage.

- processing:

- drying of products;

- Preparation of various canned goods, juices, concentrates, jams, snacks and glazed products.

The sequence of fruit storage and processing measures is as follows:

1. Raw material base: The raw material base is one of the primary factors for the organization of storage or processing of agricultural products. This is because it is necessary to study the raw material base at the place of designing the business plan of a warehouse or processing enterprise and when designing the work of the enterprise. The study of the raw material base takes into account the following: a) the size and quality of the type of fruit planned for storage or processing in the regions. For example, if the regions specialize in fruit growing, then it is necessary to establish fruit-related storage or processing enterprises. b) Market demand. The entrepreneur will study the market demand for the type of storage of fruits (or vegetables) or canned products obtained by processing them, and analyse the marketability of the products and consumer needs. c) Infrastructure. The study of the infrastructure of the area includes:

- climatic conditions - location of the enterprise, land structure, wind direction, temperature and relative humidity;

- transport system, the company's demand for transport, railways;

- power supply, its satisfaction, proximity of power lines;

- water supply, quantity, quality (hardness, softness) of water, availability of used water treatment facilities.

- level of labour supply. At the same time, the demand and supply of labour for the construction site and the provision of the enterprise with qualified specialists will be studied.

- selection and purchase of technological equipment. The choice of process equipment is made mainly depending on the fruits (and vegetables) to be stored or the products to be produced. The following requirements are set when choosing equipment:

- level of mechanization (automation);

- energy saving;

- universality, specialization in the production of several different products;

- easeness of use and safety;

- Impact on stored or processed products and emissions. One of the peculiarities in the selection of technological equipment is that they can be purchased as a complete system (line) or separately. In such cases, according to experts, it is advisable to purchase the equipment in the form of a technological system, i.e. a whole set. Cost structure of storage or processing enterprises. There are a number of measures that are associated with the expenditure of funds in the organization of storage or processing of fruits and vegetables, and these measures are radically different from other sectors of agriculture. For example: If an entrepreneur buys a tractor of a certain type for the cultivation of a plot of land, his post-purchase costs will be insignificant, i.e. he bought a tractor, and then the cost of its use will be spent on fuel and lubricants and various repairs. However, the costs associated with storing or processing agricultural products are different. In the design of refrigeration rooms and processing plants, first of all, it is very important to properly organize the funds spent on the organization of this industry. Expenditures can be divided into 2 groups: (30-35% of costs associated with storage or processing of fruits and vegetables are constant and 65-70% are variable))

2. Fixed costs - this includes the area of land where the cooling rooms are located, the building where the cooling chamber is built, all the equipment that maintains the operation of the cooling chamber and the associated costs are usually bank loans and other annual payments in various forms;

3. Variable costs - These types of costs include costs that are uncontrollable, determined by the market. These include primarily raw materials, labour costs, electricity and fuel, various containers and auxiliary materials, and transportation costs.

It is known that the population of our republic has a great experience and long history in the storage of fruits and vegetables. Today there are the following ways of storing fruits:

- natural storage: in which the products are stored in different basements and cellars, it is not possible to control the storage process in this way, i.e. in this case the products depend on the ambient temperature and humidity;

- artificial storage: in the case of artificial storage of agricultural products, the products are stored in specially designed buildings. Today, more than 80% of the products stored and consumed on the world market are artificially stored products. In this case, with the help of special equipment in the refrigeration chambers of the premises, an environment is created and maintained, which ensures the fresh state of the fruit.



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