Sevara Jalalova
Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Жалалова Севара Жанабай кизи
студент, Чирчикский государственный педагогический институт,
Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
The article highlights the importance of modern teaching technologies in the learning process, in particular the use of interactive teaching methods in teaching foreign languages and the use of innovative educational technologies.
В статье подчеркивается важность современных технологий обучения в учебном процессе, в частности использования интерактивных методов обучения при обучении иностранным языкам и использования инновационных образовательных технологий.
Keywords: innovation, teaching methods, modern teaching technologies, learning process, foreign language.
Ключевые слова: инновации, методы обучения, современные технологии обучения, учебный процесс, иностранный язык.
Today, a foreign language is not just a part of the culture of a certain nation, but it is also the key to success, the future successful career of students. Achieving a high level of proficiency in a foreign language is impossible without fundamental language training in higher education. For the last 20 years connections have been becoming inevitable among nations, states, organizations and countries which create a huge need for knowing another language or more multilingualism. People need to use international languages in areas such as trade, tourism, international relations between governments, technology, science and media. Therefore, many countries such as Japan, Finland and China frame education policies to teach at least one foreign language at primary and secondary school level.
A teaching method comparise the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation or combinations of these. The choice of an appropriate teching method depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught, it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students. For effective teaching to take place, a good method must be adopted by a teacher. The teacher may write lesson plans of their own, borrow plans from other teacher, search online or within books for lesson plans. When deciding what teaching methods to use a teacher needs to consider students “background knowledge”, environment and learning goals. Teachers are aware that students learn in different ways, but almost all children will respond well to praise. Students have different ways of absorbing information and demonstrating their knowledge. Teachers often use techniques which cater to multiple learning styles to help students retain information and strengthen understanding. A variety of strategies and methods are used to ensure that all students have equal opportunities to learn. There many methods of teaching foreign languages. I suggest some methods:
With Bingo method, students walk around searching for things. The method motivates children to study in an active and fun way.The teacher creates a bingo sheet and sends it to each student. The bingo sheet can be a 5×5 grid. Each grid box has a word or an image. The student’s task is to find the agreed number of words or images: things like a tree or a vehicle or a traffic sign etc.It would be good if at least some of the things the students are looking for are outside. Bingo method is a good outdoor exercise.If a student finds 5 things in a row on the grid, he gets a bingo.To get a bingo, the things in the grid can be positioned in a row vertically, horizontally, or from corner to corner.
Communicative method. Learning objective: mastering communicative competence. Learning content: texts should show conflicts that encourage the student to express their own opinions. Training is managed not through grammar, but is directed by communicative intentions (intentions). The student is in the center of learning. Language plane: the dominance of language production over language correctness, correctness, mistakes are made. Language becomes a means of communication. Exercises: exercises of the communicative direction. Students learn “communication in the process of communication itself. Therefore, all the exercises and tasks must be communicatively justified by a lack of information, choice and reaction”.
Constructivist method. Learning objective: the method is based on the actual active student learning. The task of the teacher is not to teach, but to contribute to the learning process. The lesson is action oriented. Educational content: proximity to reality of students, students are encouraged to independently construct their knowledge (for example, in the framework of project activities). Language plane: as wide as possible. Exercises: language production is at the heart of learning.
Advantages of the method: preparing students for real life, real life situations. Disadvantages of the method: at the present stage has not yet appeared quite clearly. An example of a constructivist method is project training. The method distinguishes traditional and alternative teaching methods. Under the concept of alternative methods is a number of different approaches, techniques, methods of language transmission. There are alternative methods such as the Total Physical Response method, the suggestive method, the dramatic-pedagogical method, the silent method, the group method. Innovative teaching methods include: computer-assisted training, storyline method, simulation method, carousel method, station-based learning method, group puzzle method, role-playing method, Case study method (work on problem situations, students review the problem, analyze the situation, present their ideas and solutions to the problem during the discussion)
Script Method (story line method). This method is based on a combination of planned learning meanings — for example, shopping-goods-sales — with the interests and ideas of students. By receiving "impulses" from the teacher (the so-called key questions), students make their contribution to the creation of history. This method does without textbooks. It is about creative planning, hypothesis selection, experiences, systematization and presentation of work. The designed story also contains elements from drama and roleplaying. The teacher sets the framework for action and presents individual episodes. Pupils put their questions and find answers to them themselves.
The following basic phases of the project are traditionally distinguished:
1. Initiating - invention of the idea for the project
2.Start of the project
3. Project management
4.Presentation of project results
5. Evaluation (reflection) of the project
The method of learning stations. Training equipment in which students perform work on educational material, which is ordered in the form of stations (students receive work plans with mandatory and selective tasks). When learning by station, students have a choice of timing, task sequence, and social form used (individual work, pair work, group work). Thus, students using this method learn to plan their time, learn self-assessment, analyze their own educational success, plan and conduct work stages. Work on the stations allows differentiation according to the abilities, interests of students, and the degree of difficulty of the task.
Simulation method. Especially in the teaching of a foreign language to students of economic specialties of universities, one can successfully apply the method of simulations. In cybernetics, this term is used to model and simulate reality. The training deals with various simulation business games that provide students with the opportunity to develop their skills, apply knowledge to solve a particular problem in the so-called “safe environment” that imitates real situations, for example, in business, in work in a company. The simulation provides an opportunity for students to try themselves in a certain role - the head, the president of the company, gives the opportunity to explore the system of work of this enterprise. The participants in the game are given certain tasks - to achieve a profit growth of the company, to conclude an agreement, to sell the company's shares, and so on. Simulations are characterized by a high degree of interest of the participants, the game is completely immersed, embodied in its role, and is sick of the result of the work, because the overall result of the game depends on the team spirit and speed of decision making. Thanks to the simulation, the skills of strategic planning of students are formed, the ability to work in a team, to negotiate, to convince a business partner is developed. Simulations streamline students' knowledge, prepare them for the need to make quick and motivated business decisions in their future activities. There are computer simulations, where participants work with a computer program, manage an imaginary company, and desktop simulations, where participants, companies, enterprises “exist” in the form of chips, maps.
Role play method. Role-playing is an active method of learning, a means of developing a student’s communication skills. Role-playing game is associated with the interests of students, it is a means of emotional interest, motivation of learning activities. Role-playing is an active way of learning practical knowledge of a foreign language. Roleplaying game helps to overcome the language barriers of students, significantly increases the amount of their speech practice. This is learning in action. There are a large number of forms, types of role-playing in foreign language lessons. For example, you can use the role-playing game "At the interview", where students take on the role of employer and employee. From all the above, it should be concluded that for the teacher today it is important to constantly improve their knowledge of foreign language teaching methods, introduce the latest educational concepts into their teaching practice, and keep up with the times.
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