Shaxzod Xatamov
PHD student International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan “IRCICA chair for Islamic history and source studies”,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
This article provides information the history of development ICESCO plays an important role in its huge social, spiritual and economic potential. International relations, including cooperation with the world's leading countries and international organizations, dissemination of the values of peace and justice, respect for human rights and freedoms in accordance with their vision through the prism of Islam, promoting cultural interaction and maintaining cultural diversity in Member States while preserving cultural identity and independence, issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the priority areas of sustainable development, regional integration processes research is underway.
Keywords: ICESCO, Education, Science, Culture, Communication, Islamic Solidarity, Ninth Conference Of Ministers Of Culture Of The Member States Of The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Capital Of Islamic Culture, Scientific Heritage.
Nowadays, international organizations are playing an increasingly important role in the international legal order. They are active in virtually all fields of human activity; they regularly conclude international treaties and continuously interact with other actors of international law, they wield growing normative powers. For those working for or dealing with international organizations, a sound understanding of the law of international organizations thus appears indispensable. International organizations are the associations established under an international treaty for the achievement of certain goals and having appropriate bodies, which have the rights and obligations of member states and established under international law.
Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (المنظمة الإسلامية للترسية والعلوم والثقافة) ICESCO was founded by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in May 1979 [1]. With 54 member states, its objectives include strengthening, promoting and consolidating cooperation among Member States (OIC) in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, developing applied sciences, use of advanced technology within the framework of Islamic values, consolidating understanding among Muslim people, and contributing to the achievement of world peace and security, particularly through education, science, culture and communication.
ICESCO’s objectives are as follows: to strengthen, promote and consolidate cooperation among the Member States in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, as well as to develop and upgrade these fields, within the framework of the civilizational reference of the Islamic world and in the light of human Islamic values and ideals. Consolidate understanding among peoples inside and outside the Member States and contribute to the achievement of world peace and security through various means, particularly through education, science, culture and communication.
To publicize the correct image of Islam and Islamic culture, promote dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions, and work towards spreading the values of justice and peace along with the principles of freedom and human rights, in accordance with the Islamic civilizational perspective [2].
ICESCO includes 3 organizations: The General Conference - is held once every three years. The Executive Council - consists of representative for each Member State, being versed in education, science, culture or communication
The General Directorate - is headed by a Director General. General Conference elects the Director for a three-year term [2].
The General Conference it is composed of the representatives of ICESCO's Member States, appointed by their governments and specializing in education, science, culture or communication.
The General Conference meets in regular session once every three years; it may meet in extraordinary session. The Executive Council made up of one representative from each Member State, it lays down internal regulations for the Islamic Organization, except for those falling within the competence of the General Conference. The Executive Council also appoints the Deputy Director General upon his nomination by the Director General, for a three-year period, renewable once. The Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council set forth the nomination and selection procedures. The General Directorate it is headed by a Director General elected by the General Conference for a renewable three-year period, from among candidates of Member States. The Director General is the head of the administrative setup and is accountable to the Executive Council and the General Conference [3].
Furthermore, ICESCO reaffirmed the need for supporting its Islamic World Heritage Committee, stepping up efforts to preserve this cultural heritage and give it further attention in the cultural and heritage plans in such a way as to highlight its diversity and the richness of its esthetic, cultural and civilizational characteristics in their Islamic and human dimensions; publicize its historical landmarks, archeological sites, prominent architectural buildings, artistic masterpieces, manuscripts, minted coins, intangible manifestations of its components, living human treasures, and civilizational symbols and figures. It also called for inscribing a greater number of its archeological sites and intangible aspects on the World Heritage List and on the Islamic World Heritage List, organizing heritage public open doors’ days; providing the necessary restoration.
It also contributes to anchoring the principles of solidarity and cooperation among Member States; and has a set of plans and projects aiming at addressing the standing educational challenges in Muslim countries. Against this backdrop, the sector of education at ICESCO aspires to become a reference point for the ministries of education in the Islamic world, in a way that supports their efforts at the national, regional and international levels, in concert with the commitments and plans of the international community and in application of the standard of quality and qualitative added value in determining its interventions.
Since its inception in 1982 up to the end of 2017, ICESCO implemented a wide range of programmes and activities. These are detailed as follows: - 16 strategies covering the fields of competence of ICESCO - 4145 training sessions, workshops, specialized meetings, conferences and educational, scientific and cultural symposia.
Thousands of participants benefited from these programmes and activities, including scholars, academics, university teachers, experts, intellectuals and specialists acting in the fields of competence of ICESCO. 1095 books and studies, originals and translations alike, edited and published in Arabic, English and French. Some of them were translated into Spanish, Russian and Persian. Those books and studies cover such various topics falling under the fields of competence of ICESCO as education, science, culture communication, dialogue of cultures and civilizations, education on the principles of human rights, the values of citizenship, coexistence, accepting one another, consultation and plurality.
ICESCO has long history of the Islamic world and the distinction of its diverse rich civilization and cultural heritage that flows from its openness and mutual influence with the multiple-source human cultures; the creative contributions of intellectuals, scientists, writers, poets, artists, architects, cultural institutions, and cultural heritage in the Islamic world. It’s the symbol of the Islamic civilization identity and an open space to showcase its cultural diversity and an inexhaustible source of inspiration for creativity and innovation.
In conclusion, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is a specialized institution of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the fields of Education, Science and Culture. It aims to strengthen, promote and consolidate cooperation among Member States in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, as well as promoting cooperation and understanding between Member States and other countries.
- "History | Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – ICESCO –". Retrieved 2018-02-24.
- Guide to ICESCO. ICESCO ed., May 2017 //templates/isesco/guide/guide_en.pdf."Organs | Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – ICESCO –". Retrieved 2018-02-24.