Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 12(235)
Рубрика журнала: 11. Педагогика
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2022.12.235.336327
Библиографическое описание
Кодирова Д.А. THE PROFESSIONALLY - IDENTIFYING COMPETENCE OF THE TEACHER IN PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 12(235). URL: (дата обращения: 02.10.2024). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2022.12.235.336327


Dinara Kodirova

Master’s degree in Pedagogical Sciences The Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



The article is concerned with the conceptual bases of professionally-identifying competence research, methodological development of this competence.


Keywords: «professionally-identifying», competence, language skills.


The transition of science to a new level of development requires the creation of a powerful human resources potential of young researchers: energetic, active, with innovative thinking, competitive, striving to continuously improve their level of development, having professional mobility, a sense of responsibility, and creative potential. A young scientist today is not only a specialist with professional knowledge and skills, but also a person whose scientific activity allows him to overcome the prevailing stereotypes, develop innovative ideas, effectively, in a new way solve the urgent problems of his city, region, country. A common characteristic that unites scientists of different specialties and scientific fields, which determines their interest, efficiency, energy, perseverance in achieving the goal, the measure of the effectiveness of their activities, is currently innovative activity.

The teacher’s personality plays a significant role in the formation of foreign language sociocultural competence, in which the high level of his own competence and a number of personal qualities that determine the effectiveness of pedagogical communication come to the fore: impartiality, respect, tolerance for the dissimilarity of the interlocutor, the ability to understand psychological condition, empathize with him.  Teachers' foreign sociocultural competence includes, in addition to the traditionally accepted components of ethno-psychology knowledge of their citizens and the countries of the studied language, the essence of intercultural competence, supplemented by appropriate personal characteristics, which contributes to the achievement of intercultural understanding and successful pedagogical communication. The professional competence of a specialist is inextricably linked with his professional identity. Unlike self-awareness in general, professional self-awareness is more specific in its content. If in the general self-consciousness a person realizes himself as a person playing various roles in various situations, then in professional self-awareness the content concerning professional activity is brought to the forefront. Ivanova and K. Kosev understand professional self-consciousness as a self-assessment of professional qualities and attitudes towards them. In teaching a foreign language, for the formation of a foreign language sociocultural competence, careful selection of a curriculum is necessary. For this, the knowledge of familiarization reading in a foreign language should be included in the process of teaching a foreign language. [3, 47] Reading as a receptive type of activity is the process of visual perception of the printed person, his understanding with varying degrees of completeness, accuracy and depth. Reading as a means of teaching a foreign language involves its use for the assimilation of linguistic and verbal material and the expansion of knowledge of the language being studied (Babinskaya PK). Reading is an independent type of speech activity, which provides a written form of communication (Rogova G.V.). Reading as a process of perception and active processing of information graphically encoded according to the system of one or another language is a complex analytical and synthetic activity, consisting of the perception and understanding of the text, and the most perfect reading is characterized by the merger of these two processes and focus on semantic side of the content. Mature reading is also distinguished by the ability to read an unfamiliar authentic pace, with the correct understanding and for many purposes. Reading is a receptive type of activity, consisting in the perception and processing of reading an objectively existing text product of the reproductive activity of a certain author. Thanks to reading, in the process of which information is extracted from the text, the transfer and appropriation of the experience acquired by humanity in the areas of social, labor and cultural activity are possible. In the individual experience of each person, reading develops on the basis of oral speech. An important psychological component of the process is the most diverse probabilistic forecasting, which is manifested at the semantic verbal levels. [4, 91]

An important psychological component of the reading process is the mechanism of probabilistic forecasting, which is manifested at the semantic and verbal levels. Semantic forecasting is the ability to predict the content of the text and make the correct assumption about the further development of events according to the heading, the first sentence and other signals of the text. Verbal forecasting is the ability to guess the word by the initial letters, guess the syntactic construction of the sentence by the first words, and the further construction of the paragraph by the first sentence. The development of prognostic skills is facilitated by hypotheses and the reader’s expectations system, which activates the continuous construction of the knowledge structure in the reader’s head, activates his background knowledge, language experience (Filatov VM). Reading acts as an independent type of speech activity in the case when we read in order to obtain the necessary information from the text. It should be clarified that, depending on the situation, the completeness and accuracy of information extraction can be different. Reading can also act as a means of forming and controlling related speech and language skills. Reading in a foreign language as a form of speech activity and as a mediated form of communication is the most necessary for most people. As a rule, comparatively few have the ability to communicate directly with native speakers; almost all have the ability to read a foreign language. [ 1, 48] The reading process, which involves complex mental operations (analysis, synthesis, inference, etc.), and the result of its extraction of information are of great importance in the communicative and social activities of people. This form of written communication ensures the transfer of experience accumulated by mankind in various areas of life, develops intelligence, aggravates feelings, that is, teaches, develops, educates. Reading is considered as a source of information, and not of reading, ensuring the assimilation of linguistic material. The task is to free reading from purely educational tasks and give it the character of a “mature” reading. This term refers to a reading in which the reader’s attention is focused on the content of the text and is not distracted by the linguistic and technical sides. The understanding of what is being read is of a direct nature. The understanding of the content is based on a number of complex logical operations, the result of which, according to A.N. Sokolov, the novelty of relations in the text and the transition "from detailed semantic milestones." Understanding the content of what is read occurs on the basis of the same psychological processes as understanding when listening. Understanding when reading is carried out under somewhat more favorable conditions, which are determined by a greater distinctness of visual images compared with auditory ones and a longer duration of their impact. The content of the material when reading is usually more difficult. [4, 84] When reading, the range of issues is much wider, especially at the middle and senior stages of teaching a foreign language. Students should pay attention to two important rules:

 1. Reading does not mean translating!

 2. To understand the text, it is not necessary to know every word!

In the structure of reading as an activity, one can single out a motive, a goal, conditions, a result.

Scheme 1.

 Reading structure (according to G.V. Rogova)






The motive is always communication or communication using a printed word; the goal is to obtain information on the issue that interests the reader. The conditions for reading include mastery of the graphic system of the language and methods for extracting information. The result of the activity is the understanding or extraction of information from the read with varying degrees of accuracy and depth. Attestation requirements provide for the achievement of a sub-threshold level in the training of this type of speech activity, i.e. advanced communicative competence. For effective reading in a foreign language, it is necessary to develop the following skills:

  • ignore the unknown if it does not interfere with the task;
  •  isolate semantic information; read by keywords;
  • work with the 3B dictionary;
  • use footnotes and comments offered in the text;
  • interpret and transform text, etc. (Solovova E.N.).

Thus, reading in a foreign language as a form of speech activity and as an indirect form of communication is the most necessary for most people. Reading is seen as a source of information, and not as a learning technique, ensuring the assimilation of language material.  [2, 76]

Thus, in modern conditions, education is increasingly focused not only on the completeness of the information communicated, but also on the ability to extract information, comprehend it, transform, extract from it the necessary knowledge. It is important to form the need and readiness of each teacher for continuous education and self-education throughout life. The teacher needs to know the peculiarities of the circulation of information flows in the educational space, be able to design an informational educational environment in his educational field, be able to independently conduct an information search, extract information from various forms and present it in an accessible way for students to use effectively in the pedagogical process. the teacher has relevant knowledge and skills in working with information, he will be able to teach this to his students as well.



  1. Galskova N.D. Modern Foreign Methodology Manual. 2003 – 193 p.
  2. Kunanbayeva S.S. Competence modeling of professional foreign language education. Monograph. 2014 – 208 p.
  3. Kolesnikova I.A. The communicative activity of the teacher: textbook. Allowance for students of higher pedagogical institutions / I.A. Kolesnikov; under the editorship of V.A. Slastenina -M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007.-336p.
  4. Rogova G.V., Vereshchagina I. N. Methods of teaching English at the initial stage in high school: A manual for the teacher,.: Education, 1988.-224 p.