Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 21(244)
Рубрика журнала: 16. Технические науки
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2022.21.244.341852
Библиографическое описание
Бекжанова И.А., Таева А.М. THE USE OF PUMPKIN SEED POWDER IN THE PRODUCTION OF SAUSAGE PRODUCTS // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 21(244). URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2022.21.244.341852


Inzhu Bekzhanova

Undergraduate, Almaty Technological University,

 Kazakhstan, Almaty

Aigul Taeva

Doctor of technical sciences of the Russian Federation, associate.Professor, Almaty Technological University,

 Kazakhstan, Almaty



In recent years, the range of meat products has significantly expanded, in the formulation of which various ingredients of non-meat origin are used. This is done to prevent the loss of biological and nutritional values. By introducing vegetable additives into sausage products, it is possible to make up for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins for the prevention of various diseases of organs and systems. The article presents data from literary sources on the advantage of introducing boiled sausages into production as an additive – pumpkin seeds.


Keywords: sausage products, biological additive, vegetable additive, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin powder.



Foreign experience shows that one of the most common ways to adjust the composition of products was the combination of raw materials with components of plant and animal origin. The use of powders from vegetable raw materials in the production of meat products with specified properties is promising. Due to the specific combinations of biologically and physiologically active components, vegetable raw materials have great nutritional value. Such substances are difficult to create artificially, they are well absorbed by the human body, have therapeutic and preventive effects [1].

In recent years, the range of meat products has significantly expanded, in the formulation of which various ingredients of non-meat origin are used. Studies by Russian and foreign authors have shown the prospects of using vegetable products in the technology of combined meat products, which provide high nutritional and biological value of the product, contribute to increasing the flexibility of formulations, stable and uniform distribution of ingredients, minimizing losses in the production process, which ultimately leads to the creation of a product of stable quality [2].

Materials and methods of research

A systematic search of literary data was conducted in Google ( по требованию Роскомнадзора информируем, что иностранное лицо, владеющее информационными ресурсами Google, является нарушителем законодательства Российской Федерации – прим.ред) Scholar, Mendeley, Elibrary databases, research papers and online educational publications in English, Russian and Kazakh on the topic of choosing sesame seeds in the production of boiled sausages. An analysis of 5 research papers was carried out according to the inclusion criteria.

Inclusion criteria

5 sources that met the inclusion criteria were included: works in which studies were conducted on the use of natural biologically active substances in the production of meat products, published no later than 10 years.

Results and their discussion

One of the options for a vegetable supplement is pumpkin seeds. The benefits of pumpkin seeds are also undeniable for people suffering from hypertension and diabetes mellitus: they have the ability to stabilize blood pressure and reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, pumpkin seeds are a good diuretic and choleretic. Rich in zinc, they strengthen memory, improve brain function and reduce fatigue.

It should be noted that pumpkin contains a small amount of pectin, which, in turn, promotes the elimination of cholesterol from the body. Pumpkin is recommended as a dietary supplement for atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (getting rid of constipation by improving the motor properties of the intestine). Pumpkin fruits can also be used for diuresis, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and edema associated with bladder diseases [3].

Pumpkin powder is distinguished by its truly unique vitamin and mineral composition, which the product got from nature. The chemical composition of pumpkin powder contains a significant amount of vegetable protein, which in turn is perfectly absorbed by the human body, and also contains a number of essential amino acids.

Pumpkin seeds have the following properties:

● Anti-inflammatory

● Antiseptic.

● Painkillers.

● Destruction of gas

● Improves metabolism.

● Strengthen the immune system.

● Against helminths

● Hepatoprotector[6].

The study of pumpkin powder (Table 1) showed that it contains a sufficiently large amount of proteins, fats, dietary fibers, linolenic and linoleic acids, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamins [4].

Table 1.

Chemical composition of flour and pumpkin powder, % per 100 g of dry matter


Wheat flour of the highest grade

Pumpkin Powder


























- Magnesium is a part of DNA, protein and bone tissue; regulates the work of muscles and nerve fibers; stabilizes blood pressure; normalizes blood sugar levels

- Manganese - participates in the growth and development of the skeleton; Participates in hematopoiesis, supports reproductive functions, regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

- Potassium - participates in the work of muscles; regulates the volume of fluid in the body, the balance of minerals; maintains blood pressure. Normalizes the iron content in the blood, enriches it with oxygen.

- Zinc - By the way, the World Health Organization recommends using pumpkin seeds as a good means to replenish zinc reserves, which strengthens the immune system, participates in the prevention of prostatitis, strengthens bone tissue.

- Calcium is an active participant in the coordination of intracellular processes; nerve conduction, muscle contraction, maintenance of cardiovascular function, bone formation and mineralization of teeth, blood clotting.

- Copper is necessary for the body to absorb iron, maintain blood pressure and participate in the metabolism of cholesterol and glucose.

Selenium - strengthens the body's defenses or the human immune system [5].

Conclusion, conclusions

Analysis of the amino acid composition of pumpkin seeds shows that protein fractions contain a complete set of amino acids, including essential ones, which implies their high biological value. The content of individual essential amino acids – leucine, lysine – is at the level of the FAO/WHO standard, and for phenylalanine and threonine significantly exceeds it. However, valine, isoleucine, the sum of methionine and cystine, as well as tryptophan are limiting. It should be noted that the samples studied are characterized by a significant content of glutamic amino acid, a chemical precursor to the formation of a specific meat flavor.

The addition of pumpkin seeds to meat products is advisable, since it helps to replenish the content of missing substances in meat, which are valuable for the human body, and allows you to expand the range of meat products, create new functional products that have therapeutic and preventive effects on the human body.



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