Tulagan Nazirkhonov
Cand. those. Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, Tashkent State Transport University,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Akil Ziyamukhamedov
Senior Lecturer Tashkent State Transport University,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Назирхонов Тулаган Мансурхон угли
канд. техн. наук, и.о. доц., Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,
Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Зиямухамедов Акил Тулкунович
старший преподаватель, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,
Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
Safety systems during the movement to work of the high-speed electric train Afrosiyob, which is an analogue of the Spanish electric train Talgo-250, analysis of traffic modes and operating conditions, taking into account increased safety requirements in relation to the organization of movement and operation of a high-speed electric train on the section Tashkent - Bukhara of the railways of Uzbekistan , assessment of security risks and threats in terms of the severity of their consequences and negative impacts, as well as an assessment of their frequency or likelihood of occurrence, leading to a security threat. The safety system of high-speed electric rolling stock was analyzed and a series of traction calculations were performed on the Tashkent-Khavast section with the introduction of restrictions on traffic modes due to the protective effects of the security system. The conditions and parameters of the movement of high-speed rolling stock are considered, taking into account the requirements for ensuring safety under travel time restrictions.
Системы безопасности в процессе движения на работу высокоскоростного электропоезда «Afrosiyob», являющегося аналогом испанского электропоезда «Talgo-250», анализ режимов движения и условий эксплуатации с учетом повышенных требований безопасности применительно к организации движения и эксплуатации высокоскоростного электропоезда на участке Ташкент – Бухара железных дорог Узбекистана, оценка рисков и угроз безопасности с точки зрения серьезности их последствий и негативных воздействий, а также оценка их повторяемости или вероятности возникновения, приводящих к угрозе безопасности. Проанализирована система безопасности высокоскоростного электроподвижного состава и выполнена серия тяговых расчетов на участке Ташкент – Хаваст с введением ограничений на режимы движения, обусловленных защитными воздействиями системы безопасности. Рассмотрены условия и параметры движения высокоскоростного подвижного состава с учётом требований к обеспечению безопасности при ограничениях времени хода.
Keywords: High-speed electric rolling stock, safety system, operating conditions, increased safety requirements.
Ключевые слова: Высокоскоростной электроподвижной состав, система безопасности, условия эксплуатации, повышенные требования безопасности.
The high-speed electric train Afrosiyob, being an analogue of the Spanish electric train Talgo-250 (figure 1), is a composition of a permanent formation with electric traction provided by the head and end electric train cars. The electric train consists of eight passenger cars and a dining car.
Power motor cars are dual-system , i.e. operated on lines with a contact network voltage of 25.0 kV (alternating current) and 3.0 kV (direct current). In the process of work in the AC sections, the power of each motor car is 2400 kW, and in the DC sections - 2000 kW. Power motor cars, weighing 72 tons each, are equipped with traction converters with IGBT transistors with an operating voltage of 6.5 kV and asynchronous traction motors. In traction converters, a typical energy conversion scheme for two-system Bombardier electric locomotives is used.
Taking into account the fact that the high-speed electric train Afrosiyob was developed on the basis of the electric trains Talgo 250, which has been successfully operated on European railways for a long time, Afrosiyob is equipped with systems that meet all the requirements for European high-speed electric trains [1]. To ensure operation on the railways of Uzbekistan and interaction with existing security systems (ALSN), the electric train is equipped with a KLUB-U safety device.
Figure 1. Electric train Afrosiyob
The train safety system in the event of a malfunction is capable of taking over the control function without the participation of the driver and either limiting the speed of movement or urgently stopping the train. It is called the Train Control Administration System (TCMS) [2].
The TCMS structure is hierarchical and is divided into three
control level:
– train control;
– control of one vehicle unit;
– traction control;
TCMS monitors and controls the following systems and
electric train elements:
– high voltage circuit;
– power section (transformer / converter / motor);
– operating modes of control system units;
– bogies (wheel temperature, gearbox, instability);
- suspensions (vibrations in the mechanical part, pressure in pneumobolons);
– safety chains;
- door control circuits.
Information about the state of all elements and systems is transmitted to the diagnostic system in order to inform the driver about the necessary parameters and their condition, as well as for analysis by the maintenance personnel of the safety level [3].
In the process of programmed control of a vehicle, the term "identification" is used to refer to a function that, in the event of an accident, prepares the electric train for diagnostic maintenance. In order for the specialist responsible for the electric train to be able to identify an accident or malfunction, the flashing identification button, which is located on the console of the driver's panel, lights up. When this button is activated, the identification function is called for all faults that exist at the time of monitoring. Identification of accidents can lead to shutdown of the subsystem .
If there is a fault, a yellow indicator on the monitor indicates which unit of the electric train has the fault.
All important subsystems in the train, in the event of a malfunction or malfunction, send a signal through the system to the driver. On the display screen, fault indication is shown by changing the color to orange of the node in which the fault occurs ( Figure 2). Neglecting or turning off the notification, as well as the impact on the system in the head car, is displayed by the corresponding symbol in the Overview [4] item.
Figure 2. Display Screen with Fault Alerts
The train control system is subdivided into so-called "subsystems". Such a subdivision helps to ensure not only a malfunction, but also to establish which nodes can be disabled from affecting the control system.
To manipulate the system, turn off or turn on certain nodes, deactivate the effect of a malfunction on the system, a cabinet with a switch panel called BTCAB is used.
Security threats are classified into several levels. High level threats include:
- fire;
- collision with other rolling stock;
- derailment;
- damage to passengers, personnel or the public;
- environmental pollution;
- serious material damage.
The assessment of the frequency of consequences is carried out according to the principles systematized in (table. 1).
Table 1.
Danger levels
Hazard level category |
Description of frequency of occurrence |
Frequency of occurrence |
Frequent |
The threat of danger is always present |
10-100 times a year |
Possible |
The threat of danger occurs up to 1 time per month |
1-10 times a year |
Random |
Once a year |
Once every 1-10 years |
distant |
Can happen during the life cycle |
Once every 10-1000 years |
Unlikely |
Unlikely but possible |
Once every 1000-100000 years |
not probable |
It is assumed that the danger happen |
less than once in 100,000 years |
The risk factor is evaluated taking into account the frequency of occurrence of the hazard with its consequences. In accordance with European and international standards, risk is divided into several categories. Talgo uses the categories specified in EN50126 (Table 2) [2].
For each security threat, the risk must be reduced to the lowest possible level. In this regard, it is necessary to apply appropriate actions to prevent these threats (Table. 3).
If an accident leads to degradation of the subsystem, then the speed decreases due to the application of the maximum braking force (speed limit or emergency braking to a complete stop). From now on, in the event of a speed limit, the TCMS monitors that the limit speed does not exceed the limit until the malfunction is no longer signaled.
Table 2.
Risk factors
Frequency of one coming |
Minor |
Minor |
Critical |
catastrophic |
Frequent |
Unwanted Risk |
Unacceptable risk |
Unacceptable risk |
Unacceptable risk |
Possible |
Acceptable Risk |
Unwanted Risk |
Unacceptable risk |
Unacceptable risk |
Random |
Acceptable Risk |
Unwanted risk |
Unwanted risk |
Unacceptable risk |
distant |
Minor Risk |
Acceptable Risk |
Unwanted risk |
Unwanted risk |
Unlikely |
Minor Risk |
Minor Risk |
Acceptable Risk |
Acceptable Risk |
not probable |
Minor Risk |
Minor Risk |
Minor Risk |
Minor Risk |
Table 3.
Risk category
Risk category |
Action Required |
Unacceptable risk |
Further improvements in the design or system are necessary to eliminate the hazard completely or to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. |
junk rice |
Further improvements are needed to reduce risks to an acceptable level |
Acceptable Risk |
In this position, constant monitoring is carried out with preventive measures (periodic checks, analysis of operation and technical condition, warning and training of personnel) |
Minor Risk |
Acceptable. No further action required |
Depending on the severity of the faults, limits are set between 5 and 235 km/h. Limitations detected by the system without the participation of the driver, in the event of malfunctions, are designated as speed limits (Lim). Here are the main types of faults in which the speed limits apply [1-3].
Depending on the severity of the faults, limits are set between 5 and 235 km/h. Limitations detected by the system without the participation of the driver, in the event of malfunctions, are designated as speed limits (Lim). Here are the main types of malfunctions in which speed limits apply. A number of measures in the event of a malfunction involve the continuation of the movement of the train. This means that movement when certain faults are detected is possible at a limited speed.
The automatic adoption of protective measures upon detection of malfunctions by the train control system covers most of the cases that may occur, and has flexible functionality for monitoring by maintenance personnel and ensuring highly efficient train operation [1].
To analyze the impact of restrictions on travel time, the Tashkent-Khavast railway section in Uzbekistan was selected. The calculations were carried out using the Cortes program. The results of traction calculations are given in Table 4 [1].
Table 4.
Influence of restrictions on the mode of movement of an electric train on the section Tashkent - Khavast
Running time electric trains |
Settable speed limit |
Impact of the restriction on travel time |
75.5 min |
Lim 235, Lim 220, Lim 200, Lim 185, Lim 180 |
Virtually no effect |
81.4 min |
Lim 140 |
Affect by 6 min delay |
More than 2 hours |
Lim 80 , Lim 40 |
Significantly influence |
A series of calculations performed during movement with a minimum travel time limitation found that such limitations have practically no effect on operating conditions. With the introduced secondary threats that limit the speed of movement, the time of the train increases, the train arrives at the final destination with a delay of 6 minutes. With the introduction of critical threats that limit the speed of movement, the train travel time increases significantly, the train delay is more than 2 hours.
The authors intend to continue the description of the calculation results in the CORTES program by illustrating the specified simulation parameters and reporting on trips in terms of specific power consumption for various movements, taking into account the speed limit.
With an increase in transportation speeds, the importance of ensuring safety on electric rolling stock increases. When certain elements fail, measures must be taken to prevent negative impacts and eliminate safety risks.
Talgo 's security solutions, implemented in accordance with the security requirements for the European Region, ensure a high level of safety in the operation of high-speed Afrosiyob trains on the railways of Uzbekistan. Integration into the security system of the CLUB complex, which is necessary for operation on the railways of Uzbekistan, is implemented optimally.
The obtained parameters of speeds with different restrictions can be useful to specialists working in the field of operation of high-speed passenger rolling stock in the conditions of the State Joint-Stock Railway Company "Uzbekiston" temir yullari.
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