Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 23(246)
Рубрика журнала: 16. Технические науки
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2022.23.246.343093
Библиографическое описание
Назирхонов Т.М., Зиямухамедов А.Т., Мирякубов А.М. INFLUENCE OF MALFUNCTIONS ON THE SPEED OF THE HIGH-SPEED ELECTRIC TRAIN "AFROSIYOB" // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 23(246). URL: (дата обращения: 02.10.2024). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2022.23.246.343093


Tulagan Nazirkhonov

Cand. those. Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Tashkent State Transport University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Akil Ziyamukhamedov 

Senior Lecturer, Tashkent State Transport University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Anvar Miryakubov

Senior Lecturer, Tashkent State Transport University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent



Назирхонов Тулаган Мансурхон угли

канд. техн. наук, и.о. доц., Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Зиямухамедов Акил Тулкунович

старший преподаватель, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент

Мирякубов Анвар Миркадирович

старший преподаватель, Ташкентский государственный транспортный университет,

Узбекистан, г. Ташкент



Determination of the impact of malfunctions in the process of movement on the operation of the high-speed electric train "Afrosiyob", operating conditions, taking into account increased safety requirements in relation to the organization of the movement and operation of the high-speed electric train of the railways of Uzbekistan, assessing the likelihood of occurrence leading to a safety threat. The safety system of high-speed electric rolling stock was analyzed and a series of traction calculations were performed on the Tashkent-Khavast section with the introduction of restrictions on traffic modes due to the protective effects of the security system. The materials presented are useful for railway transport specialists, in particular, whose work is associated with the organization of traffic and operation, as well as the development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of high-speed passenger electric rolling stock on the main and suburban sections of the railways of Uzbekistan.


Определение влияния неисправностей в процессе движения на работу высокоскоростного электропоезда «Afrosiyob», условий эксплуатации с учетом повышенных требований безопасности применительно к организации движения и эксплуатации высокоскоростного электропоезда железных дорог Узбекистана, оценка вероятности возникновения, приводящих к угрозе безопасности. Проанализирована система безопасности высокоскоростного электроподвижного состава и выполнена серия тяговых расчетов на участке Ташкент – Хаваст с введением ограничений на режимы движения, обусловленных защитными воздействиями системы безопасности. Приведенные материалы полезны специалистам железнодорожного транспорта, в частности работа которых сопряжена с организацией движения и эксплуатацией, а также разработкой мероприятий по повышению эффективности использования высокоскоростного пассажирского электроподвижного состава на магистральных и пригородных участках железных дорог Узбекистана.


Keywords: High-speed electric rolling stock, “Afrosiyob” electric trains, operating conditions, restrictions, speed limits of an electric train.

Ключевые слова: Высокоскоростной электроподвижной состав, электропоезда «Afrosiyob», условия эксплуатации, ограничения, лимиты скорости электропоезда.


Rolling stock is the main component of the active part of the most important production assets of railway transport. The results of the activity of railway transport largely depend on the level of operational readiness of the rolling stock, which characterizes its current state, technical excellence, operating conditions, repair and maintenance system.

At present, in the conditions of fierce competition of science-intensive products, new requirements are imposed on manufacturers of modern railway rolling stock on world markets. To ensure their competitiveness, leading manufacturing companies take full responsibility for the development (taking into account adaptation to local operating conditions), manufacture, branded repairs and maintenance of the supplied railway rolling stock for the entire service life [1–3]. In this case, the manufacturing company has the opportunity to carry out a refined assessment of availability indicators (technical utilization factors, availability functions, availability factors, etc.), using statistical data on the technical condition of its products and practical operating experience throughout the entire life cycle.

The first such examples include a joint life cycle contract project between the Spanish company Patentes Talgo SL and JSC "O'zbekiston Temir Yo'llari" to create high-speed trains "Afrosiyob" based on the Renfe S130 platform for Uzbekistan and its operation for 10 years. However, the ongoing changes in the rolling stock are not fully taken into account by the existing assessment of readiness indicators. The problem of improving fault assessment methods, taking into account promising types of relationships between the operating company and the manufacturing company, is very relevant. Of great practical importance are speed limits and simulation of electric train movement indicators, which must be adaptable to changing operating conditions and allow use throughout the entire life cycle contract of the rolling stock.

Depending on the severity of the faults, limits are set between 5 and 235 km/h. Limitations detected by the system without the participation of the driver, in the event of malfunctions, are designated as speed limits ( Lim ). Here are the main types of faults in which the speed limits apply [3-4].

  1. maximum speed of the electric train V = 250 km/h;
  2. Lim 235 km /h - the limitation is applied by the system when the brakes on two cars are disconnected from the air supply at the same time;
  3. Lim 220 km/h - the limit is set by the system when vibration and instability of the mechanical part of the first level in the wagons or locomotive is detected. This restriction also applies when the door alarm is deactivated. The detection of increased pressure in the brake cylinders also leads to this speed limit. In addition to the above malfunctions, such a limit can be caused by a malfunction of the trolley control sensors (signal loss);
  4. Lim 200 km/h - the limitation is set by the system at a temperature in the gearboxes above t <135° C. With a further increase in temperature upon reaching t <145° C, emergency braking is activated;
  5. Lim 185 km/h - the limit is set by the system when vibration and instability of the mechanical part of the second level in the motor car is detected;
  6. Lim 180 km / h - the restriction is set by the system for the following malfunctions:

- when detecting an excess of temperature in the bearings of the axle box on the locomotive and in the cars above 95 ° C,

- switching on switch 4 S 11, which is located in the intermediate car,

- switching on the switch 47 S 72 in the BTCAB, which deactivates all the restrictions caused in the train,

- turning on the switch 47 S 73 in the VTSAV, as a result of which the restrictions caused by a malfunction in the motor bogie of the locomotives are removed,

- when working in the coupling mode (with a locomotive or a second train),

- in case of loss of connection with the WTB cable ;

  1. Lim 140 km/h - the limit is set by the system when the three axles of the wagons are mechanically disconnected from the brake line;
  2. Lim 80 km / h - limitation when the brakes are not released individually, when the pads continue to brake, wearing out the brake disc for more than 15 minutes;
  3. Lim 40 km/h - restriction in case of problems with the level of the air suspension of cars, as well as the system when the wheels of a trailer or motor car are blocked;
  4. Lim 9 km / h - the restriction occurs when there are problems disabling the parking brake;
  5. Lim 5 km/h - the limit is set when the doors of the automatic coupler are open.

         A number of measures in the event of a malfunction involve the continuation of the movement of the train. This means that movement in case of detection of some malfunctions is possible at a limited speed [3-4].

The automatic adoption of protective measures upon detection of malfunctions by the train control system covers most cases that may occur, and has flexible functionality for monitoring by maintenance personnel and ensuring highly efficient train operation [1].

To analyze the impact of restrictions on travel time, the Tashkent-Khavast section of the railways in Uzbekistan was selected. Calculations were carried out using the Cortes program ( figure 1). The results of traction calculations are given in the table. 1 [3-4].

Table 1.

Influence of restrictions on the mode of movement of an electric train on the section Tashkent - Khavast

Running time electric trains

Settable speed limit

Impact of the restriction on travel time

75.5 min

Lim 235, Lim 220, Lim 200, Lim 185, Lim 180

Virtually no effect

81.4 min

Lim 140

Affect by 6 min delay

More than 2 hours

Lim 80 , Lim 40

Significantly influence


A series of calculations performed during movement with a minimum travel time limitation found that such limitations have practically no effect on operating conditions. With the introduced secondary threats that limit the speed of movement, the time of the train increases, the train arrives at the final destination with a delay of 6 minutes. With the introduction of critical threats that limit the speed of movement, the running time of the train increases significantly, the delay of the train is more than 2 hours.


Figure 1.  Graphs for calculating traffic modes in the CORTES program


The authors intend to continue the description of the calculation results in the KORTES program by illustrating the specified simulation parameters and reporting on trips in terms of specific power consumption for various movements, taking into account the limitation of movement speeds.



  1. Tsaplin A. E., Kuvondikov Zh. O., Nazirkhonov T. M. Method of analysis and evaluation of the readiness function of the high-speed train "Afrosiyob" ( Talgo 250) based on operational data // Bulletin of the results of scientific research. - 2019. - Issue . 2.
  2. UNIFE World Rail Market Study // Status quo and outlook 2020. – 3rd ed. - Brussels, UNIFE, 2010. - R. 23–24.
  3. Marktvolume im Neu und Servicegeschaeft sowie Perspektiven der Marktentwicklung bei Infrastruktur und Schienenfahrzeugen // Weltmarkt Bahntechnik 2009–2014. – Koeln : SCI Verkehr GmbH Publ., 2010. – 250 p.
  4. Yakushev A. Ya., Nazirkhonov T. M., Vikulov I. P., Markov K. V. Determination of the main parameters of an asynchronous traction motor. - St. Petersburg: PGUPS, 2019. - T. 16, no . 4. - S. 592-601.