Zhanna Temerbayeva
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Professor of the «Architecture and Design» Department, Non-profit joint stock Company «Toraighyrov University»,
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
Mayra Zharkumbayeva
Master of pedagogical and psychological sciences, Lecturer of the «Architecture and Design» Department, Non-profit joint stock Company «Toraighyrov University»,
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
Samal Akimbekova
Master of technical Sciences, Lecturer of the «Architecture and Design» Department, Non-profit joint stock Company «Toraighyrov University»,
Kazakhstan, Pavlodar
The article reveals the features of the AutoCAD and ArchiCAD programs used in the design and execution of project documentation. This program allows students to develop spatial thinking and comprehend the spatial position of an object using 3D modeling.
Keywords: design, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD, 3D MAX, modeling, program, design, drawing.
The improvement of the higher education system currently is the great importance for the development of the modern community. The main task of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan is to train competent specialists who are able to freely navigate in the modern information space and are ready not only to master information culture but also to constantly improve their professional skills. With the advent of new software tools, the study of graphic disciplines becomes especially interesting and relevant, as their content and teaching methods change. The development of information technology has changed the work of architects, which based on design work using computer programs. Higher education institutions are obliged to provide high-quality specialists in this field because of which there is a need to develop new curriculum and improve the teaching methods of the discipline of architectural design I-IV based on new information technologies of education. The full-fledged development of the vocational education system is currently impossible without the use of the latest computer technologies, which can be used not only in the educational process but also in the management system of the university and any of its departments. Therefore, lecturers of the «Architecture and Design» Department of «Toraigyrov University» pay close attention to computer literacy. The discipline of architectural design is based on the knowledge gained by students in the study of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics, the basics of computer-aided design, which give the skills to use the capabilities of computer technology.
A decrease in the number of classroom classes in the educational process has increased the role of independent work of students, however, the content and volume of material on the discipline of architectural design and the requirements for knowledge gained in the course of studying the discipline, not only do not decrease, but significantly increase and become more complicated: it is necessary to assimilate a large amount of information at a pace that is necessary for the presentation of the entire volume of the educational the material provided by the work program. A particular difficulty arises when it is necessary to record and redraw diagrams and drawings. The use of modern multimedia technologies to present the material studied at lectures makes it possible to increase the information capacity of classes to such an extent that it is quite difficult to keep a synopsis even with the use of reference notes. The way out is seen in the widespread use of various technical training tools. It is advisable to provide students with lecture materials in electronic form, which make it possible to study them during independent work. A holistic view of the topic under consideration allows you to create presentations made in Microsoft Power Point with graphic and textual information, three-dimensional models of buildings and their elements, two-dimensional graphs in the form of construction drawings.
The discipline of architectural design is one of the main academic disciplines that form the basis of the education of architects; it is the theoretical basis for the development of space-planning constructive solutions for buildings of various purposes. New information technologies expand the possibilities of solving many problems of higher education: the list of types of educational activities is increasing, teaching methods are improving and new ones are creating. The use of innovative technologies in the study of architectural design disciplines makes it possible to teach the methodology of designing public and civil buildings in accordance with the modern requirements of the construction industry and the requirements for the professional training of architects. Students of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction in the second year are designing a low-rise individual residential building in the AutoCAD system. This computer-aided design system makes it possible to create two- and three-dimensional drawings. The latest version of AutoCAD includes all the necessary tools for complex three-dimensional modeling, allows you to get high-quality visualization of the model using a rendering system.
In the third year of study, students master the more complex ArchiCAD program, which allows not only to create two-dimensional drawings, but also to design a building in all three dimensions. The drawings of all elements of the building are interconnected, and making changes to any drawing will lead to changes in all other drawings: by changing the position of the wall on the plan, we will get a transfer on the section, etc. For diploma design, it is important that ArchiCAD have the tools to create the topography of the building site, perform energy calculations, etc. Students of the specialty «Architecture» work with the software complexes AutoCAD and ArchiCAD 22, performing course projects at the Department of Architectural Structures. During the course design, they also are acquainted with a professional program for creating and editing three-dimensional graphics and 3D MAX animation.
Figure 1. An example of a floor plan made in ArchiCAD
The purpose of using innovative methods of teaching architectural design is to develop new approaches and technologies for the development of design skills. To this end, the department has developed a set of guidelines for the design of the building. A program is being developed that allows students to consult in the on-line system: working anywhere on a course project, a student can get a lecturer's advice in accordance with the consultation schedule.
Figure 2. An example of a building model made in ArchiCAD
Department lecturers are already using the methodology of remote consulting of diploma design: drawings are sent to the e-mail of the lecturer who makes his comments and sends them back. The use of innovative technologies in the study of architectural design disciplines increases the quality and speed of assimilation of new material. Increases the practical orientation and quality of training of architects with higher education.
After analyzing the work of the «Architecture and Design» Department of the «Toraigyrov University» in recent years, we can say about the work done on the introduction of computer programs in the process of teaching disciplines:
- equipped with 2 computer classes with modern technology;
- accumulated extensive experience in the use of various information technologies in lectures and practical classes in graphic disciplines;
- received certificates for the right to teach modern graphic programs;
- conditions have been created for research activities, both for lecturers and students;
- various creative works have been performed on the PC by both lecturers and students;
- electronic didactic materials have been developed for the subjects of the department;
- information and graphic competencies are constantly being formed and developed among students.
Thus, using special programs in the architectural design discipline classes, the head of the class has the opportunity, using modern digital prototyping technologies and technical training tools, without resorting to additional costs of the educational and material base, to activate the cognitive activity of students.
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