Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 30(253)
Рубрика журнала: 18. Филология
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2022.30.253.344546
Библиографическое описание
Кулмагамбетова С.С., Акимханкызы Н. EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH FOR ELEMENTARY CLASSES // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 30(253). URL: https://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/253 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2022.30.253.344546


Svetlana Kulmagambetova

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk

Akimkhankyzy Nazerke

Master student, Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk



Nowadays, there is a need for new methods in language learning in the elementary classes. The use of previous methods, techniques, namely the development of speech skills, repetition, teaching, writing, repetitive memorization and other forms of work do not bring students to a new level. Therefore, the use of games forms in mastering the English language further increases students' interest in the language. It should be taken into account that in the process of learning the English language, depending on the complexity of the material, the pupil's attitude towards the language may change, and such difficulties can only be overcome by using playful forms in the classroom.


В настоящее время есть необходимость в новых методах в изучении языка в начальных классах. Использование прежних методов, приемов, а именно развитие речевых навыков, повторение, обучение, письмо, повторное заучивание и другие формы работы не выводят учащихся на новый уровень. Поэтому использование игровых форм в овладении английским языком еще больше повышает интерес учащихся к языку. Следует учитывать, что в процессе изучения английского языка, в зависимости от сложности материала, отношение ученика к языку может меняться, и преодолеть такие трудности можно только при использовании игровых форм на уроках.


Keywords: primary school; playing technique; games; methods; mixed methodology; educational games; communicative skills.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативные навыки; начальная школа; игровая техника; игры; методы; смешанная методика; учебные игры.


Today the problem of early learning of English is becoming more and more topical. For many decades, psychologists, methodologies and linguistic scientists have been paying enough attention to this issue, because it is at the primary school age that the child is ready to learn English with more ease and interest at the elementary level [1, p.4].

Teaching English to students of elementary classes, the school acquaints them with the structure of the English study, with the socio-historical conditions of the existence of the national language. Younger pupils are motivated to learn English. They want to speak and understand English. They do a lot of exercises and have the opportunity to work with them a lot in class.

Pupils of primary school age have a fairly wide range of intellectual abilities. They already have the ability to think verbally and logically, to reason and to draw conclusions and inferences from what they have seen or heard. Sufficiently developed skills of organizing words into a coherent speech, construction of statements, reading aloud and silently, loudly and silently, whispering and so that the whole class can hear, the skill of writing in Kazakh - all this forms the basis for learning exactly the same skills, but already in a foreign language [2, p.22].

Learning an English contributes, to a certain extent, to the development of thinking. The objective development of pedagogical and methodological science inevitably leads to the search for new, more effective teaching methods.

In the last decade, these searches have become not only more intense, but also much more successful. In teaching speech activity - tendencies that are increasingly recognized as fruitful and promising.

The aims of early English language learning are widely interpreted in international methodological science:

  • To encourage an earlier penetration into a new linguistic space during the primary school period, when children do not experience psychological barriers in using English as a means of communication;
  • To develop children's readiness to communicate in English and a positive attitude towards further learning;
  • Formation of initial communicative skills in the four types of speech activities (speaking, listening, reading, writing) taking into account the speech abilities and needs of young pupils;
  • To introduce young pupils to the world of foreign peers, foreign songs, poetic and fairy tale folklore and examples of children's fiction available to pupils in the language under study;
  • To introduce pupils to new social experiences using English by expanding the range of social roles played in play situations characteristic of family, everyday, educational communication;
  • To form an idea of the most common features of speech activities in the native and English languages, the customs of the countries of the studied language corresponding to the interests of the younger pupils;
  • Formation of some universal language concepts observed in the native and English languages, thus developing intellectual, speech and cognitive abilities of the pupils.

To achieve these goals we provide you with several, effective and efficient methods:

1. Playing technique is suitable for elementary classes’ pupils. The essence is simple: a teacher conducts games during which pupils improve their language skills. The methodology is based on the creation of an imaginary situation and the adoption by a child or teacher of a particular role. Educational games are divided into situational, competitive, rhythmic-musical and artistic:

  • Situational games are role-playing games that simulate communication situations on a particular occasion. It is divided into games of a reproductive nature, when children reproduce a typical dialogue, applying it to a particular situation, and improvisational games that require modification of various models.
  • Most games that promote vocabulary and grammar are competitive games. The winner in them is the one who has the best command of the language material. These are all kinds of crosswords, auctions, lotto, board games, command execution, etc.
  • Rhythmic-musical games are all kinds of traditional games such as round dances, songs and dances with a choice of partners, which contribute not so much to mastering communication skills, but to improve the phonetic and rhythm-melodic aspects of speech and immersion in the spirit of the language.
  • Artistic or creative games are an activity that stands on the border of play and artistic creativity, the path to which lies for the child through play. It can be divided into dramatizations (staging small scenes in English), visual games (graphic dictation, coloring pictures) and verbal-creative (collective composition of small fairy tales, selection of rhymes).

The main advantage of the playing technique is that it is adaptable for children of any age; with its help you can develop both oral speech and knowledge of grammar, spelling, etc.

2. A communicative technique, the purpose of which is speech activity, is more suitable for elementary school children. This technique makes it possible to obtain harmonious and stable knowledge, since the emphasis is on teaching students to actively communicate in the language and the development of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Within the framework of the communicative methodology, a wide range of educational tools and techniques are used: communication of students with a native speaker teacher and with each other, game element, audio and video materials, etc.

3. Teaching through video means using only video materials for learning English. It can be films, cartoons in a foreign language, documentary videos, and educational video courses. This technique can be used to teach children of any age, since it is aimed at developing skills in recognizing foreign speech and involuntarily memorizing it [3].

4. Mixed methodology – here you can combine by own discretion, other methods, play games with your class, learn songs, develop projects, etc. The main advantage of the technique is diversity. It will be easier for you to interest student, he/she will never know in advance what you will be doing today.

In each of the listed methods, as a rule, a number of methodological principles must be observed.

Communicative orientation by E.I. Passov, training is conducted in natural situations for communication. All situations are taken from the life of a child and are interesting to him: -say hello, -let's play, -let's run and- have fun. A pupil gets used to English speech, distinguishes it from Kazakh, learns to highlight words in the stream of speech, perform tasks, commands and requests, tries to become a participant in the communicative process himself, using English.

In conclusion, sharing the point of view of A.N. Shchukin, that “A high result in teaching English  is achieved by the quality of teaching, using modern methods and means of teaching”, we add that the development of English by children at elementary classes will be most effective if the teacher clearly understands the goals and objectives of the methodology, adherence to psycholinguistic, methodological and pedagogical principles of teaching, as well as when using game techniques, computer games and other tools in English lessons [4, p.4]. Teachers can use these above mentioned methods: use of physical and speech activities, songs, games, competitions and encourage positive efforts. So, elementary school should be an environment where the student can explore English, play with English and develop a feeling for the rhythm and sounds of language.



  1. The textbook is a methodological guide for teachers and teachers. 1. Institute of Linguistics ; [Edited by A.A. Leontiev, p.4, author of preface]. - Moscow: Nauka, 1981, 78-99 pp.
  2. Z.N. Nikitenko Specifics of teaching English language in primary school. Psychological features of a junior schoolboy [Text] / Z.N. Nikitenko // English.- 2009.- No. 21.- p.22
  3. Y. B. Kafai, (1995). Minds in play: Computer game design as a context for children’s learning. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  4. A.N. Shchukin Teaching foreign languages: Theory and practice. - M .: Filomatis, 2004. - 416 p.4. E.I. Passov N.E. Kuzovlova Fundamentals of communicative theory and technology of foreign language education
  5. Teaching Methods, Teach Make a Difference [online]. Retrieved September 9, 2014 from http://teach.com/what/teachers-teach/teaching-methods