Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 33(256)
Рубрика журнала: 11. Педагогика
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2022.33.256.344957
Библиографическое описание
Берекетова Г.Б. THE ROLE OF SONGS IN TEACHING ENGLISH AT PRIMARY CLASSES // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 33(256). URL: (дата обращения: 02.10.2024). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2022.33.256.344957


Gaukhar Bereketova

Master student, Mahambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan university,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk

Svetlana Kulmagambetova

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor, Mahambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan university,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk



Берекетова Гаухар Бекмурзиевна

магистрант, Западно-Казахстанский университет имени М.Утемисова,

Казахстан, г. Уральск

Кулмагамбетова Светлана Санжановна

канд. пед.наук, доц., Западно-Казахстанский университет имени М.Утемисова,

Казахстан, гУральск



Certainly, it may be hard to imagine what life would be like without music on the radio or television, or without the ability to listen to one's favorite song while working at home or driving an automobile. Songs not only make us happy, but they also help us practice our language skills and help us learn and remember new words. Since songs are readily available to all learners and listening to English-language music is highly motivating for learners, the author decided to focus her study on teaching through the use of songs. The prime objective of this article is to investigate whether teaching English with the use of songs contributes to developing students’ speaking skills.


Конечно, трудно представить, какой была бы жизнь без музыки по радио или телевидению, или без возможности слушать любимую песню во время работы дома или вождения автомобиля. Песни не только делают нас счастливыми, но и помогают нам практиковать наши языковые навыки, а также изучать и запоминать новые слова. Поскольку песни легко доступны всем учащимся, а прослушивание англоязычной музыки очень мотивирует учеников, автор решила сосредоточить свое исследование на обучении с использованием песен. Основная цель этой статьи - исследовать, способствует ли преподавание английского языка с использованием песен развитию разговорных навыков учащихся.


Keywords: teaching English, songs, speaking skills, learners.

Ключевые слова: обучение английскому, песни, разговорные навыки, ученики.


Mastering speech in a foreign language as a means of communication involves not only the ability to express your thoughts by means of another language, but also the ability to understand the speech of other people, both in direct communication, and on radio, television, and in the cinema. Therefore, the task of the school is to teach students to speak and understand foreign language speech. These skills are combined by the term "speaking". The term "speaking" is used in the methodological literature relatively recently and means the perception and understanding of sounding speech by ear. This article examines the use of songs in teaching speaking in the English language.

Speaking is a complex analytical and synthetic process, fraught with all sorts of difficulties. As for the linguistic difficulties themselves, verbal understanding in a foreign language is associated with a number of difficulties of both lexical and grammatical order. Shatilov noted that "the linguistic difficulties of the auditable text include, first of all, the presence in the text of a certain number of unfamiliar or incomprehensible words, linguistic (grammatical or lexical) material, as well as the volume and syntactic complexity of semantic units of the text (sentences, super-phrasal units, paragraphs)" [1, p. 63].

One of the most effective ways to influence the feelings and emotions of schoolchildren is music. Working with songs in the classroom can be built according to different schemes, depending on the goal. You can learn pronunciation (phonetics), speaking comprehension of English speech (speaking), grammar, as well as the rules of word usage (which combines grammar and vocabulary) from songs. The perception of foreign language speech by ear is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects for students [2].

As for the songs in English, they can be considered as an example of an authentic text, since they were written by native speakers for native speakers, and, accordingly, are not adapted for understanding. Very often, songs contain a huge number of jargon and slang, so that even native speakers do not always understand the songs of rap artists.

The advantage of the songs over the usual authentic texts is that they are dynamic, heterogeneous in their sound (for example, the intro, verse and chorus usually have different melodies), unlike the texts, which are mostly monotonous, homogeneous in sound and not so bright. Students perceive songs better than authentic texts, the melody makes it possible to relax and not be in a state of tension all the time, trying to understand a particular word. In addition, there are often losses in the songs, which allows you to take a break and tune in again to listen.

Repetitive grammatical constructions make it possible to study grammar in the context of a song, to study it not according to a textbook, but as it is presented in an authentic text, and therefore in the culture of people at the moment [3, p. 29].

Touching upon the question of vocabulary, it can be noted that songs are an excellent source for the presentation and semantics of new lexical units. "Learning songs in foreign language lessons can also be effectively used to introduce new lexical material" [4, p. 45]

The presence of repetitions is also an integral characteristic of the song. Repeating elements help to better understand the content. There are repeated elements in the song - often choruses, and, as a rule, they contain the main idea of the song, which, as it were, summarizes and summarizes what is said in the verse. From the point of view of perception, the chorus is the easiest and most understandable part of the song.

Thanks to music, a favorable psychological climate is created in the classroom, the psychological load is reduced, and the emotional tone increases. Music helps children to relieve fatigue, restores their working capacity, acts as a kind of relaxation in the middle or at the end of the lesson [5, p. 223].

Speaking is a complex speech activity, which leads to increased requirements for teaching methods and the choice of text material. The methodology of teaching speaking should correspond to the psycholinguistic patterns of this activity. There are techniques for teaching effective strategies for speaking to a foreign language text [6, p. 97].

Since the songs are authentic texts, it is necessary to understand the methodological features of working with such texts, as well as the criteria for their selection. The selection of such texts should be carried out very strictly in accordance with the level of students' education. At the senior stage of training, the original texts are more complex. To a greater extent, tasks with extracting details from the original text are used at this stage.

When selecting text material, the following criteria are taken into account:

The ratio of familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary in the text;

Simplicity of syntactic drawing;

Information saturation of the original text;

Linguistic and semantic redundancy;

Compositional features of the text;

The nature of the material for speaking [7].

There are certain requirements for the composition of the original texts: firstly, the presence of exposition, simplicity and consistency of construction; the original text should also consist of a limited number of storylines and actors, a clear formulation of the main idea at the beginning or at the end of the text or in the title should be strictly observed.

Speaking along with speaking provides the opportunity to communicate in a foreign language. Moreover, speaking is the basis of communication, and the mastery of oral communication begins with it. Since speech communication is a two–way process, the underestimation of speaking, i.e. the perception and understanding of speech by ear, can have an extremely negative impact on the language training of schoolchildren.

Currently, the problem of effective speaking training remains urgent. Speaking is a complex speech activity, which leads to increased requirements for teaching methods and the choice of text material. The methodology of teaching listening should correspond to the psycholinguistic patterns of this activity.



  1. Shatilov, S. F. Methods of teaching German in secondary school : Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes on spec. No. 2103 "Foreign language" – 2nd ed., dorab / S. F. Shatilov. – M. : Enlightenment, 1986. – 223 p.
  2. General methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary school / A. A. Mirolyubov [et al.] ; edited by A. A. Mirolyubov, I. V. Rakhmanov, V. S. Tsetlin. – M. : Enlightenment, 1967. – 502 p.
  3. Solovova, E. N. Methods of teaching foreign languages: a basic course of lectures: a manual for students of pedagogical universities and teachers / E. N. Solovova. – 3rd ed. - M. : Enlightenment, 2005. – 239 p.
  4. Glazunova, N. G. The use of songs to improve the efficiency of perception of vocabulary and grammar of the English language / N. G. Glazunova // Foreign languages at school. - 2007. – No. 5. – 41-47 p.
  5. Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching a foreign language in secondary school / G. V. Rogova, R. M. Rabinovich, T.E. Sakharova. – M. : Enlightenment, 1991. – 287s.
  6. Klimentenko A.D. Theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching a foreign language in secondary school / A.D. Klimentenko, A. A. Mirolyubov. – M. : Pedagogika, 1981. – 456s.
  7. Shchepilova, A.V. Theory and methodology of teaching French as a second foreign language : textbook. Manual for university students studying in the specialty 033200 "Foreign language" / A.V. Shchepilova. – M. : Humanitar. ed. VLADOS Center, 2005. – 245 p.