Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 18(288)
Рубрика журнала: 11. Педагогика
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2023.18.288.357570
Библиографическое описание
Берекетова Г.Б. FAIRY TALE AS A MEANS OF TEACHING SPEAKING IN ENGLISH LESSONS // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 18(288). URL: https://internauka.org/journal/science/internauka/288 (дата обращения: 02.10.2024). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2023.18.288.357570


Gaukhar Bereketova

Master student, Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University Foreign language: two foreign languages,

Kazakhstan, Uralsk



Как компонент детской литературы, сказки могут быть полезным инструментом для обучения английскому языку как иностранному. Одним из жизнеспособных дополнительных учебных ресурсов для изучающих английский язык могут быть сказки. Сказки особенные и ценные не только из-за атмосферы таинственности, острых ощущений и удивления, но и потому, что они могут открыть юному читателю и школьнику целый волшебный мир. Они обладают способностью раскрывать древнюю человеческую мудрость и информацию, которую мы часто упускаем из виду. Использование литературы в классе является эффективным методом вовлечения учащегося как целостной личности и дает фантастический исходный материал для вызова сильных эмоциональных откликов у учеников.


As a component of children's literature, fairy tales could be a useful tool for teaching English as a foreign language. One viable additional teaching resource for English language learners could be fairy tales. Fairy tales are special and valuable not just because of the atmosphere of mystery, thrill, and wonder, but also because they can open up the entire magical world to a young reader and student. They have the ability to reveal ancient human wisdom and information that we frequently overlook. Using literature in the classroom is an effective technique to involve the learner as a whole person and gives fantastic source material for evoking strong emotional responses from pupils.


Ключевые слова: сказки, уроки английского языка, обучение английскому языку, навыки говорения.

Keywords: fairy tales, English lessons, teaching English, speaking skills.


The traditional approach to teaching a foreign language involves starting with the use of speech material that names the objects surrounding students directly in the classroom. In this case, it is impossible to talk about true communication, if there is no eventuality in it, there are no subjects of discussion, if this "communication" is not connected with life. Communicative teaching of a foreign language rejects meaningless "speaking", makes us reconsider the traditional approach and take a different look at the problem of choosing a meaningful basis for learning [1].

Modern textbooks are full of country studies information. Along with numerous texts, there are also letters, announcements, advertising. All facts and phenomena, all information about English-speaking countries are selected taking into account the age of students and their interests.

Along with numerous texts, there are also letters, announcements, advertising. All facts and phenomena, all information about English-speaking countries are selected taking into account the age of students and their interests. Along with this, it is important to give students a visual representation of the life, traditions, linguistic realities of English-speaking countries. This goal can be served by fairy tales, the use of which contributes to the implementation of the most important requirement of the communicative methodology [6].

A fairy tale, due to its specific features, should act as a meaningful basis for learning at an early stage. The presence of fiction, fantastic in the fairy tale makes it more valuable from a methodological point of view compared to other literary genres. A fairy tale filled with enchanting descriptions of miracles, unusual events, incidents, meetings with wizards, fairies, witches with miraculous powers, involuntarily attracts the attention of children. The origins of children's attachment to fairy tales are that fairy tales satisfy certain needs of age: the need for reincarnation, interest in everything unusual, mysterious, which the child feels in a fairy tale as ordinary. A child of preschool age, listening to a fairy tale and feeling the existence of a fantastic hero as real, sympathizes with him and experiences what is described in the fairy tale. The ability to empathize and imagination gives rise to independent creative activity of children, fantasy. Fiction, always present in a fairy tale, provides the child with ample opportunities for the realization of his rich imagination [5].

At the early stage of training, the developmental aspect is a priority, since in the first year of study the foundations of many important abilities are laid, their initial development is carried out. The American psychologist B. Battelheim, noting the potential of fairy tale s for solving developmental problems, writes that children need fairy tales, because they are necessary food for personal development [2]. One of the most important goals of the developmental aspect is the formation of a motivational and need block. A fairy tale is always interesting to children in its content basis, to a great extent contributes to the creation of motivation to master a foreign language. A foreign language allows a child to penetrate into the fascinating plot of a fairy tale created by representatives of another nation, to get acquainted with the folk heroes of the country where the fairy tale was born. The lesson scenario, the meaningful accumulation of exercises built on the basis of a fairy tale, immediately attracts the attention of children. A fairy tale in a foreign language enables the teacher to turn the forced learning process into an exciting, desirable and expected by the child. It helps the teacher to dispose children to study, to make them voluntary assistants in the search for knowledge, to form a positive attitude to the educational process.

Another important goal of the developmental aspect is the formation of communication skills. Children form personal, personal-role, business, status communication. A fairy tale in a foreign language always causes children to need communication, since its content corresponds to the interests of children and the needs of their age [3]. Moreover, a fairy tale in a foreign language lesson has great educational opportunities. In her best images, she reveals to the child the world, the essence of human relations, the nuances of human feelings - kindness, respect, sympathy, camaraderie, justice, responsiveness, mutual understanding, and thereby carries a rich moral potential. The important role of the fairy tale in the development of the human soul, of course, is not limited to direct moral teachings. The fairy tale gives young readers an unusually bright, wide, diverse image of the world. When using a fairy tale as a meaningful basis for learning, schoolchildren form and realize a cognitive interest in a foreign culture through the acquisition of knowledge: about the culture of the country of the studied language (information from history, geography, life of peers, about everyday life, traditions, interests, music, painting, symbolism, clothing, holidays, hobbies); on the corresponding elements of world culture; on the correlation of foreign culture with the native [7]. Teaching speaking on the basis of a fairy tale forms in children the idea of a foreign language as an equal means of interpersonal communication in all its manifestations in relation to their native language. A fairy tale is an excellent means of organizing the process of mastering various skills of foreign communication.

When using a fairy tale, the process of forming speaking skills is aimed at developing communicative readiness, at forming an attitude to use a foreign language as a means of communication. The fairy tale contributes to the inclusion of students in the process of communication and co-creation. On the content basis of fairy tales, various situations of game role-playing communication can be built.   

Another advantage of the fairy tale is the power of impression and emotional impact on students. Therefore, the main attention should be directed to the formation by students of a personal attitude to what they read. Successful achievement of this goal is possible only, firstly, with systematic reading, and secondly, with methodically organized reading.  When learning to speak in English lessons in grades 3 to 5, you can use the novel "Winnie The Pooh" by Alan Alexander Milne. Introducing students to each part of the story, it is necessary to briefly and quite clearly explain the plot and introduce the main characters who are involved in a particular part. As an example, consider the first part of the story. The teacher introduces the author of the book to the children, that is, gives brief information about Milne and his work, moving on to the book itself and introducing the main characters: the boy Christopher Robin and the bear Winnie the Pooh. For a better perception of information, before reading, children receive an attitude in the form of questions: who is the main character? where does the action take place? Next, students are invited to read the text by roles, that is, for the author, a boy and a teddy bear, having previously introduced the children to new words and writing out a transcription of the most difficult to pronounce words for students. At the same time, the teacher controls the pronunciation and correct formulation of intonation in interrogative, motivating and affirmative sentences. After reading, the teacher checks how well the students understood the text by answering the questions posed before reading. This test can be a test or sentences for this part, which are placed in a spread, so that children arrange them in a logical order. At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to repeat the text again in order for students to better master new words and phrases. When repeating, the teacher can use the method of communicative speaking, using tasks such as: describe the main character, retell the text on behalf of the main character, work in pairs and tell each other what new things you have learned. Thus, when working on the story, the following stages can be distinguished:

1. Preliminary work. Acquaintance with the life and work of the author of the story.

2. Tasks aimed at the content of the tale.

3. Reading a fairy tale.

4. Checking the comprehension of the content of the read.

5. Development of oral skills and abilities.

6. Fixing the material.

Winnie the Pooh, as the protagonist of the entertaining story by A. Milne, will not only take children to the "eternal world of childhood", kindness and friendliness, but also introduce them to the culture of the main characters, new grammar and words, help turn learning into a kind of game that will help in learning English.

Using a fairy tale in English lessons, it is necessary to strive to ensure that students receive satisfaction from a fairy tale through understanding the language, and not only through an interesting and entertaining plot. Thus, the fairy tale, being an authentic material, serves as a means of teaching speaking. No other material has such educational potential as a fairy tale. Firstly, it contributes to the formation of the motivation of learning; secondly, it increases the educational and educational capabilities of a foreign language as an educational subject; thirdly, it is an excellent means of teaching foreign language communication.



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