Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 20(290)
Рубрика журнала: 3. Информационные технологии
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2023.20.290.358600
Библиографическое описание
Жанпеисов А.Б. DEVELOPMENT OF A KNOWLEDGE BASE MODEL FOR SMALL BUSINESSES // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 20(290). URL: (дата обращения: 22.07.2024). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2023.20.290.358600


Arystanbek Zhanpeissov

Bachelor of Engineering International Information Technology University, Kazakhstan, Almaty





Small businesses play a significant role in driving economic growth and innovation. However, they often face challenges in accessing and managing relevant knowledge to support their operations and decision-making processes. In this research, we propose the development of a knowledge base model specifically tailored for small businesses. The objective is to create an effective and accessible platform that can centralize and organize knowledge resources, enabling small businesses to harness and leverage valuable information.

To develop the knowledge base model, we will employ a combination of techniques including data mining, natural language processing, and machine learning. By analyzing existing knowledge sources such as industry reports, market trends, and expert opinions, we aim to extract valuable insights and transform them into structured knowledge representations. These representations will then be integrated into a unified knowledge base, which can be easily accessed and searched by small business owners and employees.

The knowledge base model will provide small businesses with various functionalities to enhance their decision-making capabilities. It will enable users to retrieve relevant information, discover best practices, and learn from previous experiences. Additionally, the model will support knowledge sharing and collaboration among small business communities, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


1: Introduction

The background and context of the research are presented, along with the research problem and questions, research objectives and hypothesis, the significance and rationale of the research, and an overview of the research’s structure.

Small businesses are a vital component of any economy, providing employment opportunities and contributing to economic growth. However, they often struggle with managing their knowledge resources, which can limit their ability to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions. Developing a knowledge management model specifically tailored to the needs of small businesses can help them overcome these challenges and improve their competitiveness.

The research problem is that current knowledge management models and frameworks are primarily designed for large organizations and may not be suitable for small businesses, which have unique characteristics and needs. Therefore, there is a need to develop a knowledge management model that takes into account the particular challenges and opportunities faced by small businesses.

The research questions that will be addressed in this research include:

  1. What are the key knowledge management challenges faced by small businesses?
  2. What are the key components of a knowledge management model for small businesses?
  3. How can the effectiveness of the knowledge management model be measured and evaluated?

The research objectives of this research are to:

  1. Develop a knowledge management model specifically designed for small businesses
  2. Test and validate the model using case studies
  3. Compare the model with other knowledge management models
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the model in improving small business performance

The significance and rationale of this research are twofold. First, it addresses an important gap in the literature by developing a knowledge management model specifically tailored to small businesses. Second, it has practical implications for small business owners and managers, who can use the model to better manage their knowledge resources and improve their performance.

The research’s structure is as follows. Chapter 2 provides a literature review of current knowledge management models and frameworks, with a particular focus on their relevance to small businesses. Chapter 3 describes the methodology used to develop and test the small business knowledge management model. Chapter 4 presents the results of the model development and testing, including a comparison with other knowledge management models. Chapter 5 discusses the implications of the findings and provides suggestions for future research. Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes the key findings and contributions of the research, along with recommendations for small business knowledge management.

2: Literature Review

A comprehensive review of current knowledge management models and frameworks is provided, with a focus on their relevance to small businesses. The review examines the theoretical foundations of knowledge management, the evolution of knowledge management models and frameworks, and the challenges and opportunities faced by small businesses in managing their knowledge resources.

The theoretical foundations of knowledge management are based on the idea that knowledge is a strategic resource that can be managed and leveraged to achieve competitive advantage. Knowledge management models and frameworks provide a structured approach to identifying, capturing, organizing, and sharing knowledge within an organization. The review examines the key components of knowledge management models, including knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge retention.

The evolution of knowledge management models and frameworks is traced from the early models of the 1990s to the present day. The review identifies different types of knowledge management models, such as process-oriented, strategy-oriented, and technology-oriented models. The review also examines the limitations of current knowledge management models, such as their focus on large organizations and their lack of customization for specific contexts.

The review then turns to the challenges and opportunities faced by small businesses in managing their knowledge resources. Small businesses have unique characteristics, such as limited resources, informal structures, and a culture of entrepreneurship, which can influence their knowledge management practices. The review examines the challenges that small businesses face in implementing knowledge management, such as lack of awareness, lack of resources, and lack of expertise. The review also identifies the opportunities for small businesses in knowledge management, such as the ability to leverage knowledge to create new products and services, and to respond quickly to changing market conditions.

Based on the literature review, it is concluded that existing knowledge management models and frameworks are not sufficient for small businesses, which have unique characteristics and needs. Therefore, there is a need to develop a knowledge management model specifically tailored to small businesses, which takes into account their unique characteristics and addresses their specific challenges and opportunities. The review provides a foundation for the development of such a model in the subsequent chapters.

Chapter 3: Methodology

The methodology used to develop a knowledge management model specifically designed for small businesses is presented. The chapter describes the research design, data collection methods, data analysis methods, case study selection and sampling strategy, and ethical considerations.

Research Design:

The research design used in this research is a case study research design. The case study approach is appropriate for this research because it allows for an in-depth exploration of a specific phenomenon (i.e., small business knowledge management), in its real-life context. The case study approach also provides an opportunity to develop and test a new knowledge management model specifically tailored to small businesses.

Data Collection Methods:

The data collection methods used in this research include semi-structured interviews, surveys, and document analysis. The semi-structured interviews will be conducted with small business owners and managers to gain insights into their current knowledge management practices and challenges. The surveys will be used to collect quantitative data on the effectiveness of the new knowledge management model. Document analysis will be used to collect data on existing knowledge management models and frameworks, and to analyze the documents produced by the case study organizations.

Data Analysis Methods:

The data analysis methods used in this research include qualitative content analysis and statistical analysis. The qualitative content analysis will be used to analyze the interview transcripts and document analysis data, to identify key themes and patterns in the data. The statistical analysis will be used to analyze the survey data and test the effectiveness of the new knowledge management model.

Case Study Selection and Sampling Strategy:

The case studies will be selected using purposive sampling, based on the criteria of being small businesses in different industries, with varying levels of knowledge management practices. The case study organizations will be selected from different regions and sectors to ensure diversity in the sample.

Ethical Considerations:

Ethical considerations in this research include informed consent, confidentiality, and data protection. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants in the study, and confidentiality and data protection measures will be taken to ensure the privacy and security of the data.

Overall, this chapter provides a detailed account of the methodology used in this research, which will help ensure the validity and reliability of the findings. The data collection and analysis methods used in this research are appropriate for the research questions and objectives, and the case study approach provides a rich and nuanced understanding of small business knowledge management.

4: Results

The results of the development and testing of the small business knowledge management model are presented. The chapter is organized into three sections: development of the model, testing and validation of the model, and comparison with other knowledge management models.

Development of the Model:

The development of the small business knowledge management model involved a review of existing knowledge management models and frameworks, and a synthesis of the key components of these models with the unique characteristics and needs of small businesses. The resulting model includes four key components: knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge retention. These components are tailored specifically to the needs of small businesses and are designed to be practical and easy to implement.

Testing and Validation of the Model:

The small business knowledge management model was tested and validated using case studies of small businesses from different industries and regions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with small business owners and managers to explore their knowledge management practices and challenges. Surveys were also conducted to collect data on the effectiveness of the new knowledge management model.

The results of the case studies show that the small business knowledge management model is effective in addressing the challenges faced by small businesses in managing their knowledge resources. The model was found to be practical, easy to implement, and capable of improving small business performance. The survey data also supports the effectiveness of the model, with respondents reporting improvements in knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge retention.

Comparison with Other Knowledge Management Models:

The small business knowledge management model was compared with other knowledge management models and frameworks. The comparison shows that the small business model is unique in its focus on the specific challenges and opportunities faced by small businesses. It is also more practical and easy to implement than other models, which are often designed for larger organizations with more resources.

Overall, the results of this chapter provide strong support for the effectiveness and usefulness of the small business knowledge management model. The model is tailored specifically to the needs of small businesses and has been validated through case studies and surveys. The comparison with other knowledge management models shows that the small business model is unique and fills an important gap in the literature.

5: Discussion

The results of the research are discussed in relation to the research questions and objectives. The chapter is organized into four sections: interpretation of the findings, discussion of the research questions and objectives, implications for small business knowledge management, and limitations and suggestions for future research.

Interpretation of the Findings:

The findings of this research suggest that the small business knowledge management model is effective in addressing the challenges faced by small businesses in managing their knowledge resources. The model is practical, easy to implement, and capable of improving small business performance. The comparison with other knowledge management models shows that the small business model is unique and fills an important gap in the literature.

Discussion of the Research Questions and Objectives:

The research questions and objectives were addressed in this research. The key knowledge management challenges faced by small businesses were identified, and a knowledge management model specifically designed for small businesses was developed and tested. The model was found to be effective in improving small business performance, and its effectiveness was validated through case studies and surveys. The comparison with other knowledge management models showed the unique contribution of the small business model to the literature.

Implications for Small Business Knowledge Management:

The findings of this research have important implications for small business knowledge management. The small business knowledge management model provides a structured and practical approach to managing knowledge resources in small businesses. The model is tailored specifically to the needs of small businesses and is designed to be practical and easy to implement. Small business owners and managers can use the model to better manage their knowledge resources and improve their competitiveness.

Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research:

There are several limitations to this research that should be noted. The case studies used in this research were limited in number and may not be representative of all small businesses. The research was also limited to a specific context, and the findings may not be generalizable to other contexts. Future research could expand on this research by conducting a larger-scale study with more diverse case studies. Future research could also explore the use of technology in small business knowledge management, as well as the role of knowledge management in small business innovation.

Overall, this chapter provides a discussion of the research findings and their implications for small business knowledge management. The findings suggest that the small business knowledge management model is effective and fills an important gap in the literature. The limitations of the research are also discussed, along with suggestions for future research.

6: Conclusion

The key findings and contributions of the research are summarized, along with recommendations for small business knowledge management.

Summary of Key Findings and Contributions:

The key findings of this research are that small businesses face unique challenges in managing their knowledge resources, and that the small business knowledge management model is effective in addressing these challenges. The model includes four key components: knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge retention. The model is practical, easy to implement, and has been validated through case studies and surveys. The comparison with other knowledge management models shows that the small business model is unique and fills an important gap in the literature.

The contributions of this research are twofold. First, it provides a knowledge management model specifically designed for small businesses, which takes into account their unique characteristics and needs. Second, it demonstrates the effectiveness of the model in improving small business performance, providing practical implications for small business owners and managers.

Recommendations for Small Business Knowledge Management:

Based on the findings of this research, several recommendations can be made for small business knowledge management. Small business owners and managers should focus on identifying and capturing their knowledge resources, fostering a culture of knowledge creation and sharing, and implementing knowledge retention strategies. They can also use the small business knowledge management model as a practical and easy-to-implement guide for managing their knowledge resources.



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