Опубликовано в журнале: Научный журнал «Интернаука» № 26(296)
Рубрика журнала: 11. Педагогика
DOI статьи: 10.32743/26870142.2023.26.296.361827
Библиографическое описание
Барысов Ә.М. SURVEY ON THE POTENTIAL OF USING VIRTUAL REALITY IN EDUCATION // Интернаука: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 26(296). URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025). DOI:10.32743/26870142.2023.26.296.361827


Alrakhym Baryssov

student, Astana International University,

Kazakhstan, Astana

Dinara Kaharman

scientific supervisor, Astana International University,

Kazakhstan, Astana



Барысов Әлрахым Мұратұлы

студент, Международный университет Астана,

Республика Казахстан, г. Астана

Қаһарман Динара Ңұржанқызы

научный руководитель, Международный университет Астана,

Республика Казахстан, гАстана



The survey aims to investigate opinions about and support for the introduction of virtual reality in the education system. The survey was conducted with one hundred people from different age groups. Through the survey it was found that the respondents fully supported the introduction of VR into the education system and expressed their preferences regarding the features they would like to see. The data analysis showed broad support for the implementation of VR in the education system from the respondents. The results of the survey confirm that VR has the potential to improve the educational experience and received positive support from the interviewees.


Цель: Опрос ставит своей целью исследование мнений о внедрении виртуальной реальности в систему образования и поддержку этого нововведения. Метод: Опрос был проведен с участием ста человек из разных возрастных групп. Через опрос было выявлено, что опрошенные полностью поддерживают внедрение VR в систему образования и выразили свои предпочтения относительно возможностей, которые хотели бы видеть. Результат: Анализ данных показал широкую поддержку внедрения VR в систему образования со стороны опрошенных. Результаты опроса подтверждают, что VR имеет потенциал для улучшения образовательного опыта и получили положительную поддержку со стороны опрошенных.


Keywords: pedagogy, English; virtual reality.

Ключевые слова: педагогика, английский язык; виртуальная реальность.



Technology can give us more options for sharing information than ever before. в Regardless of physical or mental health, education is the key to a new dimension where anyone can access knowledge.


  • to show how VR improves the quality of education
  • to show how virtual reality creates good conditions for teaching children with special needs
  • to demonstrate how virtual reality helps children with socialization problems
  • to make the lessons more interesting (example: teach anatomy lesson using VR)


Kilian Gloy claims that the immersive anatomy atlas (VR program) by Paul Weyhe Eric Nerenz uses a head-mounted display to put the user in a virtual operating room (HMD). The 360-degree view that head tracking users have enables them to move about and explore the virtual environment. The controllers control their virtual hands, which they can use to grab specific organs and manipulate them. On a nearby table are several virtual tools. Some of these tools look like actual surgical instruments, while others enable more "magical" tasks like exploring the anatomy by manipulating the transparency of the model [1].

Virtual reality (VR) has shown to provide a highly suitable environment for people with ASD and other disorders because it gives structure, visual learning mediation, repetition possibilities, affective involvement, and additional control of the learning environment [2]. Children with special needs will learn more effectively in a setting that is effective, practical, motivating, and emotionally comfortable, according to Vaughan, John, and Rees. VR is anticipated to have a better learning effect due to its extraordinary ability to attract and focus attention, to offer a high degree of environmental control, and to emotionally engage participants (particularly in terms of generalization). This study collected excellent results, and it can be concluded that the 100 respondents were split into three groups. Despite the gender and age diversity among respondents, more than 93% of them expressed support for VR. The majority of the respondents are mostly reasonable students.



Picture 1. Introduction of VR


As you can see, 93.3% of respondents concur that VR technologies will allow students to study subjects more thoroughly.


Picture 2. VR and children with special needs


Students believe that VR technologies will benefit people with disabilities in the field of education, according to the survey's findings. We can infer from the responses—where 1 is "no" and 5 is "yes, of course!"—that the majority of people believe that using VR technologies in the classroom will make the lessons more engaging.



Picture 3. Opinion on VR development in Kazakhstan


Four out of five participants thought that there were few specialists in Kazakhstan and that there was no additional funding for the development of this field in education. Only 23.3% of respondents thought that the government did not care about the development of the field of education in a new direction.


There were 100 respondents in total. Responders 53% were female, 20% were in high school, and 50% were in universities. Each of these people holds a unique perspective from the others. The survey incorporates questions from recent scientific articles and pressing social issues. We can review experiment statistics from academic institutions.


Based on the survey, using VR technology in the classroom improves instruction and inspires students to work harder, imparting more practical knowledge than theoretical knowledge. More than 93% of respondents concur that the use of VR will improve students' retention of information in educational settings, and we shouldn't ignore the other 7%. In contrast, these 7% of respondents think that these technologies will keep students from studying. It can be assumed that these individuals support the conventional approach to education, or what we should also take into account.


This study was created to show both the benefits and drawbacks of using VR in education. It gathered the responses' thoughts and opinions, expressing the range of viewpoints on the subject. It was discovered that the conventional approach is no longer the only effective way to teach because of societal changes. After all, Kazakhstan aspires to be a global leader, it must invest in education, a crucial component of the nation's growth.



  1. Gloy, K., Weyhe, P., Nerenz, E., Kaluschke, M., Uslar, V., Zachmann, G., & Weyhe, D. (2022). Immersive anatomy atlas: Learning factual medical knowledge in a virtual reality environment. . Anatomical Sciences Education, 15(2), 360-368.
  2. Vaughan, N., John, N., & Rees, N. (2019, October). CPR virtual reality training simulator for schools. International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW) IEEE., (pp. 25-28).