Inzhu Bekzhanova
undergraduate, Almaty Technological University,
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Currently, the preservation of its nutritional and biological value is relevant in the production of sausage products. To prevent the loss of which biological substances are needed, by which it is possible to make up for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins for the prevention of various diseases of organs and systems. The aim of the work is to study the features of sesame for its introduction into the production of sausages. The article presents data from literary sources on the advantage of introducing sesame containing vegetable additives (sesame) into the production of boiled sausages. According to sources, the introduction of sesame into sausages in an amount of 5% of the total weight is the best option.
Keywords: sausage products, biological additive, vegetable supplement, sesame seeds, sesamine.
Meat products occupy a dominant place in the nutrition of the population of Kazakhstan. The use of non-traditional herbal additives in the production of sausage products not only improves the quality of the product, but also increases the range of sausage products on the domestic market. The relevance of the topic is determined by the absence of sausage products on the market without the addition of vegetable additives, which in turn increase the nutritional value, make up for the deficiency of certain trace elements.
The production of boiled sausages is not an easy process, which must ensure the correct use of raw materials and the preservation of the quality of the product during processing. In the production of boiled sausages, chicken meat and beef are mainly used. The composition of meat raw materials contains a sick amount of fat, which is subject to oxidation in case of violation of the technological process and improper storage, which directly affects the organoleptic indications [1].
To improve the quality and organoleptic indicators in the industrial volume of semi-finished products, natural antioxidants are often used, in particular sesamine containing products[2]. According to foreign authors, sesamins represent a large class of secondary metabolites in plants that have numerous biological effects in mammals, including antitumor and antioxidant activity[3]. Sesamins can be converted by the intestinal microbiota into mammalian lignans (i.e. enterodiol and enterolactone), providing a protective effect against hormonal diseases such as breast cancer, improving blood clotting and normalization of blood pressure[4].
The purpose of this work is to analyze the literature data on the use of sesame seeds containing sesame seeds in the production of boiled sausages.
Materials and methods of research
A systematic search of literary data was conducted in Google Scholar, Mendeley, Elibrary databases, research papers and online educational publications in English, Russian and Kazakh on the topic of choosing sesame seeds in the production of boiled sausages. An analysis of 10 research papers was carried out according to the inclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria
10 sources that met the inclusion criteria were included: works in which studies were conducted on the use of natural biologically active substances in the production of meat products, published no later than 10 years.
Reliability assessment and data extraction
A sample of 5 sources was evaluated, in which attention was paid to sesamine-containing products, namely sesame in the production of sausage products. The analysis of the articles was carried out in a random order based on key aspects. The data elements taken for this article included: study design, sampling method, chemical structure of sesamine, review articles.
Results and their discussion
According to literature data, sesamine (600-2000 nm, depending on the concentration) can protect PC12 cells from necrosis (under the influence of kainate), and BV-2 cells are more resistant to its action (10-50 µm of sesamine is needed to prevent their death); this feature of sesamine is associated with a decrease in the level of RFC in cells and peroxidation lipids[5]. Sesamine can block the kainate activation of MAPK(kinase, which in turn has a balancing effect on the level of neuro-toxicity of kainate), but higher concentrations are needed for this[6].
Sesame seeds are one of the sources of dietary lignans (the amount of which is sufficient). In sesame, their content is – 373mg/100g, in turn, their amount in most other products is less than 2mg/100g[7]. By itself, sesame oil by 1-2% consists of "low-fat" components containing sesame lignans. Sesamine is a typical lignan, which is isolated mainly from sesame seed oil.
The chemical composition of sesame is presented in tables 1 and 2.
Table 1.
Macroelements in sesame
Macroelements |
Content, mass fraction per 100 g of product |
% of the daily value in numbers |
Potassium |
468.0-497.0 mg |
19.2% |
Calcium |
783.0-1474.0 mg |
113.6% |
Silicon |
199.0 mg |
663.3% |
Magnesium |
351.0 mg |
87.8% |
Sodium |
11.0 mg |
0.8% |
Sulfur |
16.0 mg |
1.6% |
Phosphorus |
453.0-694.0 mg |
67.5% |
Chlorine |
21.0 mg |
0.9% |
Currently, the technology of sausage production using various biologically active substances practically does not differ from traditional technologies. The introduction of sesame seeds occurs directly into the minced meat. In the experimental studies of the authors of the near abroad, when analyzing the physico-chemical properties of sausages with and without the addition of sesame, the pH value was measured for comparative analysis at different time periods: immediately after cooking, one day later, three days later and five days after cooking. During the experiment, it was revealed that the minimum pH value in the sample without the addition of sesame was observed during the first day, while for sausages with the addition of sesame it was observed until the second or third day. According to this study, the best sample of boiled sausage was determined, with the addition of sesame seeds, namely the content of more than 5% white sesame seeds.
According to the authors of foreign countries, microbiological assessment of samples with 3%, 5%, 7% sesame content was carried out using microbiological rapid tests in different time periods: 1, 3 and 5 days after the preparation of samples. The following indicators were determined: the presence of mold, yeast, KMAFAnM and CFU. Three days after cooking, no changes were detected. Significant changes appeared only on the fifth day. Yeast and 8 colony-forming units are observed in the control samples. Yeast and mold were detected in samples with 3% sesame content. According to the results of the samples, by the number of colony-forming units, it can be concluded that a sample with 5% sesame seeds contains a minimum amount of them.
Conclusion, conclusions
Sesame containing products (sesame) are used as vegetable oil and for the preparation of dressings and sauces. Sesame seeds are added to semi-finished products for flavoring, which is also important in the production of sausage products. Considering the beneficial properties of which and the need to replenish the body's nutrients on a large scale of public catering, it opens up real prospects for the prevention of pathological conditions of the body such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases and many other conditions. However, to date, there are no evidence-based scientific studies on its therapeutic use in the production of sausage products, namely on its percentage content in the product, the daily dosage consumed, which requires further scientific research in this direction.
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