Hoang Thi Tu
Lecturer, Thai Nguyen University of Education,
Nguyen Quoc Thuy
Lecturer, Thai Nguyen University of Education,
One of the important contents in the preschool education program is the formation of mathematical symbols. Due to age characteristics, in order to help children comprehend and remember the initial knowledge of mathematics fully and accurately, it is necessary to use a variety of creative and diverse forms in math teaching activities. This article affirms that the integration of teaching English along with forming math symbols for preschool children is a necessary task in the process of child care and education, and at the same time makes some suggestions to help teachers in preschools promote the ability to use English in teaching math for the children, contributing to improving teaching efficiency in schools.
Keywords: integration, teaching English, mathematics, symbols, education.
1. Introduction
Math is very beneficial for the development of the baby's thinking. “Forming elementary mathematical symbols for children contributes to intellectual development, comprehensive personality education and prepares children for primary school”[1]. In preschools, teachers teach children to become familiar with math symbols by many different ways and methods. Integrating teaching English with the formation of math symbols not only develops a second language for preschool children but also develops their mathematical capacity, contributing to the creation of high quality human resources for the country in the future. To ensure that children can comprehend mathematical symbols fully and accurately, create interest and develop language for preschool children, it is necessary to build a bilingual model of Math and English for preschool education. This article is about the integration of English teaching in the formation of mathematical symbols for preschool children, thereby making some recommendations to make this teaching more effective.
2. Teaching English to preschool children
English is used largely in international communication, so it is necessary for children to get acquainted with English from preschool age. In the circular "Promulgating the Program to become familiar with English for preschool children" of the Ministry of Education in 2020, the goal of teaching English for preschool children is to help children "experience and be interested in English; towards the formation and development of communication capacity in English; prepare well for learning English at primary level; create opportunities for children to be exposed to other cultures” [2].
Preschool children's exposure to English at an early age will help them grasp English easily and quickly because at this stage, children have a lot of time to learn and apply English in games, in other daily activities in a natural way, without stress, being restrained or imposed. When children acquire language naturally instead of consciously, these children will have better pronunciation, have a better ability to perceive language and culture.
When teaching English to children, words should be explained in simple terms. For example, explain "dog" as a furry animal that barks and wags its tail whenever it sees someone it know. Preschool children with psychological characteristics are through playing to learn about the world around them, so it is necessary to set goals for children to familiarize themselves with and approach English as a language game. Teachers should teach them simple words and sentence patterns. In particular, it is necessary to create for children to have fun to learn with forms such as imitation, role-playing, singing, drawing, and coloring games. These activities help children not only receive English in the best way, but also become more confident and build their own personality.
3. Math symbols need to be formed for preschool children
The content "Forming math symbols for preschoolers" is built on 5 basic areas. These contents are concretized in the Child Care - Education program [3].
- Symbols about sets, numbers, and counting: there are contents from simple to complex. Firstly, children are taught to recognize the singular and the plural; to arrange according to the rules, and quickly recognize the rules of the sequence. Next, they are taught to count numbers and form generalized representations of numbers within 10. We teach them to compare, add, subtract, and understand the interrelationships between adjacent numbers in the sequence. nature. Finally, children are taught how to separate groups of objects with numbers within 10.
- Symbols of shape includes sensing the shape of objects and geometric figures; recognizing, naming, and grasping the characteristics of shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle according to pattern and name; recognizing, naming and grasping the surface features of the shapes: sphere, cylinder, square and rectangular block.
- Symbols of size: Preschoolers are acquainted with, recognize, name the sizes of large - small, long-short, high - low objects. They know how to compare the size, length, width, and height of two objects.
- Symbols of spatial orientation: children are taught how to distinguish, how to recognize the names and placement of parts of the child's body; Define right and left hand. Children know to identify directions: above - below, in front - behind, right - left side of themselves and others.
- Symbols of time: We equip children with systematic knowledge (in the form of symbols) about time such as day, week, month, season, year. In addition, we form in children the activity of comparing and measuring time with the use of calendars and hourglasses, the attitude about time, knowing how to use time rationally and economically.
Many studies show that young children already have a basic understanding of math at preschool age. As well as counting, children can do simple arithmetic, solve problems (such as puzzles), orient themselves in space, demonstrate skills in geometry, and use logic. Anthony G. and Margaret W. asserted: “Their mathematical thinking is also proven, including demonstrating a number sense and a sense of probability, and carrying out spatial and geometric reasoning” [4].
4. Integrating of teaching English in the process of forming math symbols for preschool children
In order to learn English effectively, it is recommended to choose familiar and popular English topics for preschool children so that they have many opportunities to practice easily and form mathematical symbols in their minds at the same time. Numbers is one of the familiar and easy topics of teaching English for preschool children. Teachers teach them to count from 1 to 20. This is the most difficult stage, the larger numbers, children will learn to combine gradually after mastering 20 numbers. English songs about numbers are also very popular, easy to remember, and help children with addition and subtraction operations such as Number song, Five little ducks, Counting 1 - 10 Song, etc.
At preschool age, children have the ability to react quickly and remember well with shapes such as squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles; length, width, height, ... Children can distinguish shapes even though they have only been taught a few times. In particular, the cube theme also helps improve children's ability of observation and imagination. When teaching children to learn English with the theme of shapes, teachers should let children play with toys with similar pictures and then introduce each picture one by one.
Dates are also one of the topics in teaching English to children. Preschool children can fully perceive the day and the weather. Therefore, everyday teachers should tell children what day it is, whether it's sunny or rainy, combine many related topics to diversify children's vocabulary such as what to wear when it's sunny, what to wear when it's raining, events or activities that regularly take place during the days of the week, of the month
English topics for preschool children are very diverse. Teachers can flexibly apply and combine many topics at the same time to teach children. This helps children be more sensitive to words and develop their thinking in the most comprehensive way.
Many education experts believe that getting acquainted with English at the preschool level is in the form of "Learning through playing, playing and learning". Therefore, getting acquainted with English early will help children have the ability to absorb the language naturally instead of having to learn in a forced and restrained way. Children learn through playing, songs, and poems, which will help them feel comfortable when participating in activities that use English. In addition, teachers not only need to have satisfactory foreign language skills, but also need to be trained to have certain understandings of children's psycho-physiological characteristics, and to have teaching methods suitable for preschool children. In particular, teachers must be able to pronounce English, have appropriate intonation for preschool children to hear, imitate from the very beginning how to speak a foreign language, avoid rigid pronunciation, lack of natural intonation. The inaccuracy will lead to forming habits that are difficult to correct, having difficulty listening to foreigners talking when children grow up.
5. Some suggestions for integration of teaching English along with forming math symbols for preschool children
The integration of teaching English with forming math symbols for preschool children not only improves children's language ability but also helps children develop thinking ability. From practical experience, we suggest some measures to help preschool teachers promote their ability to use English in teaching math for preschool children as follows:
+ Equip yourself with basic English for preschool children such as (1) words, phrases, or short sentences that are suitable and familiar to children; (2) some criteria in terms of content and form such as novelty, innocence, innocence, and interest; brevity, clarity; rich in images, rhymes, and music; Selective, clear, easy-to-understand language…
+ It is necessary to determine the goals and select the content of knowledge that is convenient for the use of English in accordance with the specific content of the lesson.
+ Conduct a selection of appropriate poems, puzzles, and songs about math symbols in English to teach children according to a specific topic.
+ Put those lesson plans into trial teaching and edit, perfect, share with colleagues for popular and long-term use...
+ Continue to maintain the ability to use English in teaching math for preschool children by regularly observing, imagining, and making connections between knowledge of math symbols for preschool age; practice language, expression and especially foster love of profession and love for children so that teachers can have a passion to promote their ability to use English in teaching children to get acquainted with Math.
Teaching children simple Math symbols with integration teaching English is not only a job done in one session, but often takes place in a whole week, a month, or longer so that children love, deepen their knowledge and gradually absorb the beauty of English and math symbols. Those are also extremely valuable perceptions and emotions that children accumulate at preschool age and then in each step of adulthood, even throughout life.
6. Conclusion
Integrating teaching English along with the formation of mathematical symbols for preschool children not only contributes to helping preschool children master elementary math knowledge, practice communicating in English, but also helps preschool teachers promote their creative ability in the process of caring and educating preschool children; adjust teaching activities to ensure the progress of each child at preschool. This is an effective method contributing to innovation and improving the quality of education in today's preschools.
- Do Thi Minh Lien. (2002). Methods of forming elementary mathematical symbols for preschool children, Hanoi Pedagogical University Publishing House.
- Ministry of Education and Training (2020), Circular promulgating the English Acquaintance Program for preschool children; No. 50/2020/TT-BGDDT.
- Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam. (2017). Early childhood education program.
- Anthony G. and Margaret W. (2007). Effective Pedagogy in Pāngarau /Mathematics: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration (BES). Electronic Publication.